A-G no longer up to the burden, Awang Selamat claims


(Malay Mail Online) – Under-fire Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail likely no longer wants the “burden” of being Attorney-General, Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia said today citing his allegedly poor health.

Saying that Gani was again facing a new wave of criticism over past failures to prosecute cases of sedition involving insults against Islam and the royalty, the editors writing under the Awang Selamat pseudonym said the A-G was being viewed as an obstacle to demands for stern action.

“That is the general perception. But sometimes Awang sympathises with the A-G, Gani Patail who is always being bashed for the weakness of others.

“Rumour has it that Gani is on leave due to health issues… Personally, Awang feels Gani should not be further burdened with this heavy and challenging duty. His commitment and service for the past 12 years is undeniable,” they wrote.

The paper added that Gani’s contract is due to expire soon, and said he was not likely to want to remain in the post even if offered an extension as he is at a point in life when family and health are of greater importance.

“Let someone new navigate the challenge. Who will this be?”

Gani is regularly accused of selective prosecution from both sides of the political divide.

Pro-establishment voices claim he is not stern enough with incidents involving perceived insults against the Malays, Muslims and the Malay Rulers.

Opposition leaders in turn accuse him of intentionally targeting them as well as dissenters against the government while ignoring provocation against non-Muslims.

Gani came under intense criticism last year after it was revealed that his office chose not to prosecute Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali for the latter’s call for Muslims to burn copies of the Bible, purportedly as the Malay rights leader was acting in defence of Islam.

