PKR apologises over statement against PAS president


(The Sun Daily) – In the last moments before nomination day, PKR has finally made a private apology and explanation over their statement against PAS president Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang submitting the private bill of Hudud to the party’s Permatang Pauh division in attempt to retain the parliamentary seat in the upcoming by-election.

PAS Permatang Pauh division committee member Jamsari when contacted by theSun, said that they had just finished a meeting with PKR president Datuk Seri Wan Azizah and the party’s deputy president Azmin Ali at a hotel in Seberang Jaya at 9pm tonight.

They met before the announcement of the PKR candidate contesting for the parliamentary seat.

“Azmin Ali has apologised to us and explained that there is some misunderstanding over their statement made against Hadi Awang submitting the private bill of hudud,” Jamsari explained.

“Azmin said the misunderstanding had occurred on the technicality of hudud. He added that Muslims in PKR were never against hudud at all. He stresses that they accept hudud.”

Jamsari added that PAS Permatang Pauh has accepted Azmin’s apology and explanation.

Hence, the division will assist PKR in the by-election since the matter has been settled.

“In the meeting, Azmin has given assurance that DAP would not attack PAS directly over the matter of hudud. DAP should learn to respect our party’s objectives even when we have different views. They (DAP) should not touch or politicise the issue,” he said.

