Umno Youth: Investigate Jho Low’s alleged involvement in 1MDB


(The Star) – Umno Youth has called for a detailed probe into the involvement of businessman Low Taek Jho in 1Malaysia Development Berhad, after the latter called the wing’s leaders a bunch of “spinmasters”.

In a statement on Tuesday, Youth exco member Ibdillah Ishak criticised Jho Low’s remarks, questioning if the billionaire businessman was actually feeling guilty for his role in this controversy surrounding the Government investment arm.

“Who is this individual to say such things? Is Jho Low really involved and is he feeling guilty for this huge controversy,” he said.

Jho Low had hit out at Umno Youth during a recent interview with magazine Euromoney, criticising them for trying to pin 1MDB’s failure on him.

“There seems to be a very, very coordinated attempt to say: ‘This young Chinaman, it’s all his fault, he caused the failure of 1MDB and apparently he advised the PM and everything is screwed up now.

“It’s just crazy, and these Umno guys are spinmasters, they know all this sort of nonsense.” he was quoted as saying in the report.

His remarks angered Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, who called for an immediate investigation into Jho Low’s involvement in the debt-ridden investment company.

In a tweet on Tuesday, Khairy said investigations into 1MDB should be hastened, voicing Umno Youth’s support for a detailed inquiry into Jho Low’s role.

Echoing his chief’s sentiments, Ibdillah said the matter could not wait any longer as it concerned the rakyat and the political survival of Umno.

“I hope the audit (on 1MDB) can be carried out transparently, and without protecting anyone’s interests.

“If Jho Low is found guilty of wrongdoing, action must be taken. There is no need to vilify Umno leaders just to save your own neck,” he said.

