Make Dr M our friend, Pakatan told


Ariff Sabri says former premier has ‘unlimited info’ to bring down Najib.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Pakatan Rakyat leaders have been urged to treat former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, the nemesis of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, as a friend, with the common aim of bringing down the government of Najib Razak.

The DAP’s Ariff Sabri Mohd Aziz said in a blog posting today: “I am saying- an enemy to an enemy is our friend. Let’s treat Dr Mahathir as such.”

Ariff, the MP for Raub, said Mahathir’s attacks on Najib, whom he has urged to step down, with a campaign questioning the troubled government company 1Malaysia Development Bhd., were “only the beginning”.

Mahathir “has unlimited access to information”, Ariff said. “Some Umno leaders are also giving him the information. We are only hearing the beginning.”

Ariff said Mahathir had decided that Najib was morally unfit to lead Umno and the country, just as he had decided in 1997 that Anwar Ibrahim was morally unfit to continue as his then deputy.

“The measure by which Najib’s morality is impeached, is the murder case of Altantuya (the Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu who was killed eight years ago; two former VIP bodyguards have been convicted of the murder).


