Pak Samad the one manipulated, not us, says Isma leader


(Malay Mail Online) – Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) has hit back at Datuk A. Samad Said (pic) over his accusation that the Muslim group was a proxy for a “certain power”, saying it was national laureate who is being manipulated.

An Isma leader also questioned how the laureate, popularly known as Pak Samad, was unable to see the alleged threats against the Malay and Muslim community in the country that the group has consistently been claiming.

“Pak Samad is either naïve or maybe blind to the fact that he and few other Malay leaders may have been manipulated by certain parties in the name of human or national rights,” said Datuk Dr Badhrulhisham Abdul Aziz, who heads Isma’s Policy Research Unit.

“Clear evidences, events and petitions to challenge Islam and Malays have been around in the last few years in this country, showing the real threats.”

Yesterday, Samad was quoted in several media reports as accusing Isma of acting on behalf of a “certain power”, and questioned their motives in making demands purportedly for the welfare of Malay-Muslims.

Today, Badrulhisham reiterated Isma’s protestations that its intentions are solely to uphold the interests of its religion and, by extension, the Malays.

“What more does Isma want? Isma is always consistent in its struggle to uphold the [sovereignty] of Islam and Malays; and never [wavered] from its stand,” Badrulhisham said in response to Samad.

The Isma man then claimed of the existence of a “greedy” group whom he labelled “extremists” for regarding those “championing Islam and Malays” as threat to national harmony and unity.

Badrulhisham also said that Isma demanded those calling themselves loyal Malaysian citizens to “recognise and respect the rights and special status of Malays, Muslims and Rulers as in the constitution”.

“To defend one’s right, being cautious and [worried] is a wise thing to have. Do you want to repeat the fate of several other nations including ours who lost their rights and sovereignty because of the ‘tak apa’ and careless attitudes?” asked Badrulhisham.

The Islamist activist group has risen in profile over the past one year with its provocative remarks against Malaysia’s racial and religious minorities.

Its president,  Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman, is currently facing a sedition charge for for categorising the ethnic Chinese as “intruders” into the country.

