Is dealing with Umno people an automatic sin in Pakatan?

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Khalid is being railroaded with accusations that affect his character and integrity without much concrete proof but the ardent say so of his detractors. 

Hazlan Zakaria, The Ant Daily

Don’t get me wrong; I am not saying that Selangor MB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is being accused of sodomy to taint his character and shove him out of the political playing field.

But what is being done to him now by his own party certainly reeks of the same intent, especially with accusations of his compromised integrity just because he dealt with an Umno lawyer.

Khalid is being railroaded with accusations that affect his character and integrity without much concrete proof but the ardent say so of his detractors. As some saw it, he is being hounded out of office like PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim once was evicted by Umno from his position of power. With the same smear tactics in place.

But in all those “sins” he allegedly committed that PKR says justify Khalid’s removal from office, most are linked to state administration which is not only Khalid’s purview but that of the state exco and of course those who are the state’s economic advisor with offices paid for by the state.

While some of the deals mentioned like Kidex and Eco World were heard of before, other supposed lax in actions like potholes and excessive business licence fees were never mentioned previously, only now surfacing suddenly in encore.

But when you take into account the totality of it all, most are linked to all Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives in the state administration. Call it collective responsibility. Just like Pakatan tends to tell the BN cabinet.

As one friend venting his justified query on social media had written, why did they wait till now to dump all that shit into Khalid’s lap?

Surely if there were problems they would have made noise long before.

Where is the collective responsibility of other Pakatan representatives, state executive councillors specifically in this? Were they just puppets on their respective seats when the decisions were made?

Only one accusation thus far has been of a personal nature, that of his alleged use of an Umno lawyer to help settle his lawsuit with a bank over a loan resulting from a stock deal gone bad.

But even in this case the allegations were unspecific and without concrete evidence. Is association with an Umno lawyer an automatic crime then?

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