Azmin Ali’s brilliant political move


After that Azmin got his supporters to condemn Khalid and demand that he be removed as Menteri Besar and replaced with Azmin. And with Azmin as the new Menteri Besar no one would be able to defeat him in the party elections.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Azmin Ali has already informed his party that he intends to contest the post of party president later this year. If Azmin does proceed to challenge party president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail he has a strong chance of winning.

But Dr Wan Azizah is not stupid. She has been waiting to fix Azmin up for ten years now since 2004 when Anwar first came out of jail and Azmin took over as ‘first wife’ (figure of speech, of course) and Dr Wan Azizah was demoted to ‘second wife’ (almost figure of speech as well).

So, instead of risking possible defeat at the hands of Azmin, Dr Wan Azizah announced that she wants to retire and spend more time with the family, in particular with her grandchildren.

And this now poses a dilemma for Azmin. If Dr Wan Azizah does not defend her post and retires, then Anwar Ibrahim would have to contest the president’s post instead. And this would mean Azmin would now have to go head on with Anwar.

And this is a contest Azmin cannot possibly win. So he will just have to be contented with defending his Deputy’s post.

But this will pose another problem for Azmin. Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim may also go for number two. So that means Azmin will be facing Khalid for number two. And with Dr Wan Azizah backing Khalid for number two, Azmin may find himself a dead duck.

More dangerous to that, though, is that Anwar possesses documents that prove Azmin has taken bribes from a Chinese businessman. In fact, not only does Anwar possess these documents, Anwar also personally met this Chinese businessman who confessed that he had paid Azmin millions in exchange for certain favours.

Thus far, Anwar is keeping this evidence under wraps and is playing his cards close to his chest. Anwar and Dr Wan Azizah may sleep in the same bed but politics is politics even between husband and wife. And Anwar refuses to give Dr Wan Azizah these documents.

Azmin is worried sick. As long as he is still the number two in the party Anwar will not be able to sell him out to MACC, Malaysia’s anti-corruption commission. That would be like spitting into the wind.

So Azmin is safe as long as he is number two, and even safer if he is number one. If Azmin is exposed and brought down the whole party would be brought down.

So, if Dr Wan Azizah is not going to defend her presidency and if Anwar is going to take over instead, then Azmin has no choice but to defend his number two post. And to do that, he must first neutralise Khalid. And he is going to neutralise Khalid by playing the sympathy card.

To gain this sympathy, Azmin must portray Khalid as a vindictive fiend. So Azmin engineered his ‘sacking’ from PKNS. And the way he did that can be seen in the two ‘rahsia’ letters below.

Azmin wanted it to appear like the Selangor State EXCO had sacked him, which is not true, of course. And he did this by getting the General Manager of PKNS to write him a letter saying that he has been sacked. In this way the blame would fall on Khalid. Khalid would then come out looking bad while Azmin would appear the victim in this whole thing.

After that Azmin got his supporters to condemn Khalid and demand that he be removed as Menteri Besar and replaced with Azmin. And with Azmin as the new Menteri Besar no one would be able to defeat him in the party elections.

Clever person this Azmin Ali is. I wish I had brains like his so that I, too, can be as clever.

But what Azmin forgot is that there is this person named Raja Petra Kamarudin who, even when he is sitting in Kamunting, has the ability to get his hands on transcripts of text messages between the Prime Minister and his friends (and publish them in Malaysia Today from behind the barbed wire fence of Kamunting).

And that was Azmin’s minor miscalculation. He forgot about Raja Petra Kamarudin and his tentacles that extend right into the corridors of power.


EXCO Decision PKNS

PKNS Letter to YB Azmin





