Time for Ulama to reign – PAS


(Malaysia Times) – Supporting Nasrudin is PAS Mursyidul Am Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who  had also signalled his support for ulama leadership in PAS. The retired Kelantan mentri besar wants incumbent president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang to remain at the helm but he wants the No 2 post to also be held by an ulama.

PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan has expressed that it is the ulama should rise again in the party.

The passion and strength of the undercurrent movement is expected to be gauged at the upcoming Ulama Haraki Spearheading Victory forum in Kedah, due to be held at the state PAS headquarters in Kota Sarang Semut .

He said, “Now is the time to show the ulama are not just ‘punching bags’ that could be yelled at, questioned, ridiculed and used as pawns and tools,”

Nasrudin added that they should move out from their comfort zone and rise to the challenges faced by Muslims and the Islamic movement.

Supporting Nasrudin is PAS Mursyidul Am Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who  had also signalled his support for ulama leadership in PAS.

The retired Kelantan mentri besar wants incumbent president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang to remain at the helm but he wants the No 2 post to also be held by an ulama.

This essentially means that the current party deputy president does not have the blessings of Nik Aziz although Mohamad Sabu had said that he would defend his post.

Meanwhile, party’s president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.would face potential challengers in Padang Serai PAS chairman Fauzi Tahir and party vice-president Datuk Husam Musa.

Fauzi had openly offered to contest while Husam’s supporters had used Facebook and flyers to gauge support for the Salor assemblyman.

The recently-created Facebook page Anak Muda Menyokong 100% Husam Musa Sebagai President PAS has so far collected 1,124 ‘likes’.

A formidable force that wants the ulama presence to be dominant is set to make waves at the PAS elections in November.

The Ulama Haraki has started its campaign ahead of the 13th General Election (GE13) and is said to be a force to be reckoned with at the upcoming PAS muktamar. 
