S’gor MB acknowledges race-based policies

(Sun Daily) – Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim explained that there will few changes to race-based policies even if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) wins Putrajaya due to the reality of the country’s demographic structure.

Khalid also noted that the race-based structure of the country must be accepted by the public, but how it is translated into equity for all is a different matter.

Referring to excerpts from Lee Kuan Yew’s book ‘One man’s view of the world’, Khalid said, “He is telling the truth, because if the Malay community makes up 60% of the country’s population, the political inclination will be to try and get the support of the Malays.

Khalid also disagreed with Lee’s mention that it is impossible for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak to win Chinese and Indians support without losing Malays’ votes.

“I dispute his hypothesis. If it were true, there would be no situation where a nation of multi-racial composition can live together. If the Prime Minister were to solve the problems in rural areas, I’m sure he will get the support of the Malays, Indians and Chinese,” he said.

Khalid said Malaysia cannot be viewed as a heterogeneous country but as one isolated by different activities.

He explained that isolation by activity happened prior to Merdeka established by the British.

“Lee Kuan Yew still does not understand that and was trying to reduce the divide and rule policy when he started the People’s Action Party (PAP),” he said.

Khalid also expressed how former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s book “Awakening: The Abdullah Badawi years in Malaysia” will be able to assist politicians in running the country.

“I have not read the book yet, but I have seen comments through portals. I would say that it is a good book as it shares previous experiences with the people about the challenges of governing the country.

“We can learn lessons from these experiences. More of such books written can help politicians improve their leadership in the country,” he added.

Khalid wishes to see efforts put into creating a balance in allocating ownership of equity among races in Malaysia by taking affirmative action through an economy policy.

Khalid referred to one of the chapters in the book that said the prime minister will have difficulties in pushing economic reforms because of the UMNO and Malays’ fixation on the 30% Bumiputera equity.

“During both Tun Mahathir and Badawi’s governance, the introduction of private sectors does not solve issues in active ownership allocation in the Bumiputera community.

“Private sectors only produce licenses, not jobs. In result to that, the existence of private sectors in the Malaysian economic industries have increased rentier class but not owner operators.

“I hope Pak Lah writes that in his book, if not I will write it.”

