Is the HINDRAF blueprint a fact or fallacy for the survival of humanity?
Malaysian Indians are not relevant in Malaysia except when we want their votes; fact or fallacy?
R.Shan (Human Being)
Pre-GE12, you had more than 100,000 Malaysian Indians gathered to voice their grievances. Fact or fallacy?
The opposition parties ran their political agenda solely on Makkal Sakthi. Fact or Fallacy? These opposition parties should watch their videos. They even promised the Kg Buah Pala folks but we all know what happened when politically expediency was at play.
Post GE12 with Pakatan in power, nothing changed for the Malaysian Indians because 110,000 land titles in 349 Rancangan Kampung Tersusun were for Malay Muslims in Perak; 102,000 land titles for 134 Chinese New Villages in Perak; 10 acres to each and every Orang Asli in Perak; 1,000 acres of land and RM100 Million for pig farming in Sepang, Selangor and more than 607 (Chinese) New Villages nationwide with 1.2 million villagers. Fact or fallacy?
Looking at Indian villages within PR’s hold like Kg Muniandi, Kg Ghandi, Kg Kanchang Puteh, Kg Chikadee, Kg DBI, Kg Buah Pala, Kg Bengali, nothing happened. Fact or fallacy?
Let’s look at the PR manisfesto for Sabahans/Sarawakians;
1) Raising oil royalty from 5% to 20%.
2) Appointment of Sabahans and Sarawakians to lead and hold office in the Govt.
3) Cleaning up citizenship registry list.
4) Recognition of customary land rights.
5) Raising the level of infrastructure development.
Orang Asli :
1) Preserving Orang Asli customary land rights and welfare.
2) 141k hectares of land reserved.
3) Water and Electricity supplied to Orang Asli settlements.
4) 5000 educational scholarships for Orang Asli students (Isn’t this all catered in the constitution?)
For Chinese :
1) PR will recognize the certificate for Combined Chinese Secondary Schools for the purpose of furthering academic admission to higher education institutions.
For Malays:
1) Abolishing PTPTN loans and as such billions of taxpayers’ money will be wiped out from existing loans taken but not paid up by irresponsible Malays.
2) Justice for Felda settlers.
3) RM 500 mil allocated for Military Veterans. Increasing govt contribution to Armed Forces Fund Board from 15% to 20% and an addition 5% to a special fund for them. Introducing a Soldiers Divident – RM 2k per year.
4) Dissolving 1MDD so that Khazanah remains sole state investment body but Khazanah has for years been run in a shady manner benefiting Malays exclusively.
5) GLCs to be tuned to produce more viable Bumiputra entrepreneurs.
6) Going to double Tabung Haji Fund
7) More allocations for Islamic religious depts
8) adding value to wakaf land.
Now, as a Malaysian Indian, I try to understand why do we need to be the scapegoat when we have the same aspirations as the rest of the Malaysians? Is this a fact or fallacy?
Malaysian Indians are not relevant in Malaysia except when we want their votes; fact or fallacy?