Karpal says Jui Meng’s intentions ‘suspect’ in Johor DAP-PKR spat

Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider

Karpal Singh urged today for intervention from Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and an inquiry into Johor DAP chief Dr Boo Cheng Hau’s claims that ex-MCA leader Datuk Chua Jui Meng (Picture) has been organising an underground campaign against the DAP in the southern state.

The DAP chairman appeared, however, to back his fellow party leader in the crossfire, calling Dr Boo “the real McCoy” and in contrast, saying Chua’s credibility as Johor’s PKR chief was “suspect”.

“The credibility of Chua Jui Meng is suspect,” Karpal said in a sharply-worded statement here.

“His long sojourn in the MCA and by extension in the Barisan Nasional (BN), his unsuccessful attempt in 2004 at the MCA presidency and his obvious overzealous enthusiasm to regain a seat in Parliament certainly exposes a credibility problem which may appear to consume the better part of his intellect,” added the well-known lawyer.

Chua, a former health minister, was previously a veteran MCA leader, holding the post of vice-president from 1990 until 2004. He made two attempts at MCA’s presidency but lost both times and in an about-turn in 2009, defected to PKR.

In July 2010, he was appointed to the post of Johor PKR chief.

But an unimpressed Karpal told Chua that a politician who “deserts his own political mother” could not be regarded with approval or prided.

He said that if Dr Boo’s allegation that Chua has been the “black hand” behind a campaign against DAP in Johor were true, the latter must be checked in his tracks as soon as possible.

“An in-depth inquiry ought to be launched to determine who are behind the ‘vicious anonymous attacks’ against the DAP and also determine the ‘black hand’ behind these attacks,” Karpal said.

“The assertion by Dr Boo cannot be dismissed out of hand in the interests of the Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

“I call upon PKR de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, to intercede so that PR’s chances in its front line state will not in any way be negatively affected by any act of sabotage,” he added.


