FOC briyani for ‘LGBTs’
Looking good for food: Herukh (second from right) giving away free briyani to (from left) Pang, Loh and Jerome Kugan at Fierce Curry House in Bangsar Utama.
(The Star) – A briyani shop here poked fun at the purported guidelines to spot gays and lesbians for schoolchildren by giving away free meals to men wearing tight-fitting V-neck T-shirts and carrying sling bags.
What started off as a pub conversation quickly set siblings and owners Herukh and Kubhaer T. Jeswant of the Fierce Curry House in Bangsar Utama to add some fun to their business and celebrate the diversity of their patrons.
“When the guidelines came out, we thought it was ridiculous.
“But instead of joining in the fray to condemn it, we thought it would be an interesting concept to give out free briyani meals to the first 15 men who walk in with a V-neck and a man-bag,” said Herukh, who publicised his offer on Facebook.
By midday yesterday, the brothers had to extend their promotion to another 10 customers after receiving a roaring response.
Kubhaer said even women walked in with V-neck T-shirts and man-bags but they were disappointed because the offer was only for men.
“If only the guidelines were easier to identify,” he said, bursting with laughter when The Star met them yesterday.
Yayasan Guru Malaysia Bhd and the Putrajaya Consultative Council of Parents and Teachers Associations, who organised a parenting seminar in Penang, had distributed the alleged guidelines to participants on Thursday.
Among others, the guidelines said tendencies of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenderers (LGBT) can be spotted among boys wearing tight-fitting V-neck T-shirts and carrying large sling bags, and girls who enjoy the company of their own gender.
The Education Ministry has since denied it had endorsed the guidelines although it views cases of social ills in the community seriously.
Actor and events manager Alfred Loh who enjoyed his free briyani said it was a great way to raise awareness, not particularly for any rights groups but on current issues.
“As a completely heterosexual man, it is also a wonderful way to discover a new fashion sense,” he said, beaming in his red V-neck and a borrowed black man-bag. Gay rights activist Pang Khee Teik said that he was happy with the public outcry over the absurdity of the guidelines.
“I’m glad that Fierce Curry House acknowledges that education, like food, must be made available to everyone,” he said.