Chua: Why drag in others?

(The Star) – Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng must not divert attention by pulling unrelated parties into the matter of his alleged relationship with a former aide, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

He said Lim, as a leader, should present a more gentlemanly attitude.

“Why drag the MCA president and the Prime Minister in? It has nothing to do with us. Don’t divert attention,” he said after attending a dinner organised by Sam Shen Kuan Association here on Thursday.

Pointing out that DAP had brought up the murder of the “Mongolian woman” (Altantuya Shaariibuu) many times in Parliament, Dr Chua said the party was most unqualified to talk about ethics.

“Today, this is his personal problem. Why drag in so many people? It’s a simple question. If yes, say yes. If no, then say no.

“Why does he have to avoid the issue every day, get so excited and be so jumpy?” said Dr Chua, adding that this would be his final response to Lim over the matter.

The alleged relationship became the centre of controversy in the Malacca state assembly when Duyong assemblyman Datuk Gan Tian Loo raised the question about the abrupt transfer of the woman.

Lim, who is also DAP secretary-general, had said that the party had never indulged in gutter politics to attack Dr Chua.

He had also called on the Prime Minister to direct MCA to repeat the allegation outside the Malacca state assembly.

Yesterday, Lim challenged Dr Chua to repeat the allegation during their debate tomorrow.

“He (Dr Chua) can prove his courage and political morals during our debate on Sunday by repeating MCA’s lies that I had a secret relationship with my former staff and that my wife assaulted her.

“I will not respond at all during the debate but will then sue in court for defamation,” he said in a statement.

