Let’s ban people who believe in God from public office

Anyway, why in the first place are oral and anal sex crimes in Malaysia, never mind if between straight or gay people or between husband and wife? Well, that is because Malaysia practises British laws. Most of our laws were inherited from the British Colonial government and we just continued with them after Merdeka. And British laws are basically Christian laws.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Before I talk about what I want to talk about today, let me start with that news report about the member of the Johor royal family would beat up a rapper (read here: http://www.malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/newscommentaries/48720-johor-royalty-linked-to-assault-on-rapper).

Now, when I write something about, say, the Chinese, I will get accused of generalising. I will be told that it is unfair of me to paint all Chinese with the same brush. This may be true of certain Chinese. This may be true of MCA Chinese. But not all Chinese are like that. Those who are like that are the minority. The majority are not like that.

Apparently, not generalising is something that only I must not do. It is okay for you to generalise. And I must not do this specifically when I talk about the Chinese. We must not generalise about only the Chinese. When it comes to Malays or members of the royal family then it is okay to generalise. In fact, it is a must, it is good that we generalise.

It may have escaped that pea-brain of yours that 49% of the Malays voted opposition in the last general election in March 2008 (more if you exclude the postal and phantom voters) while more than 50% of the members of the royal family support the opposition. Yes, more than 50% of the members of the royal family support the opposition, idiots!

Anyway, just so that you know, I knew what you would comment if I published that news report on the member of the Johor royal family beating up that rapper. I intentionally published it to see what type of responses we would get. My purpose was to show you what hypocrites many of you are. And I was right. You responded the way I thought you would.

Do you think that your racist, anti-Malay-anti-royalty attitude is going to help Pakatan Rakyat in the coming general election? And you grumble when you can’t seem to get 60% or 65% of the Malays to vote opposition. You are not happy that Pakatan Rakyat cannot garner more than 50% of the Malay vote. Are the Malays the problem? Or are you the problem?

I consider myself a liberalist Malay. I support the rights of LGBTs (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people) — something even Christians cannot accept, so don’t talk about Muslims. I support the rights of Muslims to leave Islam — a no-no for the majority of Malays-Muslims. So that makes me amongst the minority.

Yet, how liberal I may be, I still consider most Malaysia Today readers as racists and bigots, in particular the non-Malay readers. If I can think like that what do you think the more conservatist and fundamentalist Malays-Muslims are thinking?

Yes, maybe the Malays-Muslims are not the problem. Maybe you are the problem. Have you ever thought of that? Have you ever thought that, as I have been saying time and again, that your foul-mouths are pushing the Malays-Muslims away? Do you really expect more than 50% of the Malays to vote Pakatan Rakyat and more than 50% of the members of the royal family to support the opposition when you have such foul-mouths?

And I am both — I am both Malay and a member of the royal family. And if I am angry how do you think the other Malays are feeling? And you want us to support the opposition and vote Pakatan Rakyat when we are angry about your attitude? Why should we allow Pakatan Rakyat to take power when you opposition people think poorly of the Malays and the royal family?

Hey, those Malays in the corridors of power may be corrupted. Those Malays who support those in the corridors of power who are corrupted may also be corrupted. Sure, we may all be corrupted, but that does not make us stupid. In fact, to be corrupted and still hold on to power means you must be very clever. Stupid people can’t do that, especially not for 55 years and maybe another 55 years to come.

Don’t make the mistake of underestimating our intelligence just because we happen to be Malays. You want the support of the Malays and members of the royal family then learn how to win the hearts and minds of the people you want to win over. Thus far you are not doing a very good job at it.

Okay, now on to what I want to really talk about in today’s article. Sekijang MP Baharum Mohamad said that 30% of Malaysian men are gay, meaning that three out of 10 are homosexual, something he called “scary”. (Read more here: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2012/03/23/stop-the-homosexual-witch-hunt/). There is also a call to ban LGBTs from public office. I wrote about this yesterday (read here: http://malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/no-holds-barred/48718-human-rights-and-fundamental-liberties-for-idiots).

Okay, why do we want to ban LGBTs from public office? Is it because the laws of Malaysia make homosexuality a crime? Is it because homosexuality is a sin according to the Abrahamic faiths (Jews, Christians, and Muslims)? Or both?

Well, if we go by Malaysia’s common law, then oral and anal sex acts are also crimes, even between husband and wife. And the punishment is the same for all sex acts – oral or anal, straight or gay. Hence, they are all equal in seriousness. Hence, also, if we want to ban LGBTs from public office, then even straight people who indulge in oral and/or anal sex must also be banned from public office.

That would be according to the law — straight or gay, both go to jail for the same number of years if they indulge in anal and/or oral sex.

The question is: if we want to implement the law and ban both straight and gay people who indulge in oral and/or anal sex, how do we do it? Would they be asked to swear on the Bible or Quran during the swearing-in ceremony that they are straight and have never indulged in oral and/or anal sex since the day they were born? Can we trust those who swear on the Bible or Quran? I personally would never trust people who swear on the Bible or Quran. That is not good enough for me. I would need more proof that that.

Can we instead make them take a lie detector test? But even that is not enough. Some people can beat a lie detector test. The only sure way would be to inject them with a truth serum. There would be no way they can lie under the influence of a truth serum. Then we will know if those who are about to take public office are straight or gay and whether they have ever indulged in oral and/or anal sex some time in their lives.

Anyway, why in the first place are oral and anal sex crimes in Malaysia, never mind if between straight or gay people or between husband and wife? Well, that is because Malaysia practises British laws. Most of our laws were inherited from the British Colonial government and we just continued with them after Merdeka. And British laws are basically Christian laws.

You see, in Islam, oral and anal sex, as long as between husband and wife, are not a sin. Some scholars or ulamak say they are but others dispute this and say they are not. So, according to common law, they are crimes, but according to Islamic laws they are not. But a person caught for oral and/or anal sex would be sent to jail under common law and not Islamic law — in short, under old Christian laws of pre-Merdeka British inheritance.

So, I am a Muslim, but if I am caught for the ‘crime’ of indulging in oral and/or anal sex, I get sent to jail for 20 years because of Christian laws that we inherited and never repealed after Malaysia got independence from Britain.

Apa ni? Gila ke?

I am not a Christian and yet I am subjected to Christian laws that somehow have become Malaysia’s common law.  On the other hand, anal sex between homosexuals is a sin under both Christianity and Islam. So that too has become a crime under Malaysia’s common law. But the Buddhists in Thailand allow or tolerate homosexuality. So, if I am a Thai Buddhist, and since this is not considered a sin, how can you punish me under laws that are actually old Christian and Muslim laws that have been adopted as Malaysia’s common law?

In short, just because your religion disallows it, you turn it into common law and then punish me for it.

Apa ni? Gila ke?

Actually, we should not be banning LGBTs from public office. We should be banning those who believe in God from public office. Just because they happen to believe in God they impose laws that they believe to be God’s laws on us although we may not share their religious beliefs. Then we end up with Christian laws as Malaysia’s common laws. Then oral and anal sex even if between husbands and wives are made a crime.

So, yes, this is not about just LGBTs. It is not a crime to be gay. It is a crime to be a practising gay who indulges in oral or anal sex. But then you do not have to be gay to be a criminal. Even straight people who indulge in oral and anal sex are criminals under Malaysia’s common laws that are actually old Christian laws.

Apa ni? Gila ke? So what do you want me to now say: bodoh punya Kristian?

