Wake up, gullible Malaysians


If the voter rolls are not cleaned up before the 13th general election and BN wins the polls, then the stupid Malaysians who voted BN into power will plunge the whole nation into the pit of doom.

As it now stands, Malaysia is well on the road to bankruptcy with the national debt ratio standing at more than 53% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Therefore, after BN wins the forthcoming 13th general election, 1,001 taxes will be imposed and subsidy cuts will be implemented. As usual, the poor and the low-wage earner will be the first to suffer the consequences. 

Selena Tay, Free Malaysia Today 

It is confirmed. The Barisan Nasional (BN) government is one extremely crooked government. The way it has spent the taxpayers’ money is beyond rhyme and reason.

The allocation for “unexpected” expenditure 2011 is RM1.5 billion but the government has spent RM3.13 billion which is more than twice the allocated amount.

Among the ministries and national institutions that consumed the rakyat’s money are:

1. Election Commission – RM48,770,200

2. Prime Minister’s Department – RM353,760,000

3. Public Service Department – RM782,516,100

4. Treasury – RM204,450,000

5. Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry – RM5,000,000

6. Public Works Ministry – RM152,000,000

7. Transport Ministry – RM80,302,000

8. Health Ministry – RM621,870,200

9. Women, Family and Community Development Ministry – RM275,000,000

10. Home Ministry – RM545,627,000

The government’s spendthrift ways is going to empty the nation’s coffers and when that happens, Malaysia will go bankrupt.

As it now stands, Malaysia is well on the road to bankruptcy with the national debt ratio standing at more than 53% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Therefore, after BN wins the forthcoming 13th general election, 1,001 taxes will be imposed and subsidy cuts will be implemented. As usual, the poor and the low-wage earner will be the first to suffer the consequences.

So before we reach that stage, we must set the situation right by voting in a new federal government. But this looks impossible as the voter roll has about 1.7 million dubious voters.

An author by the name of Mutalib MD, who wrote a book entitled IC Projek – Agenda Tersembunyi Mahathir which was published in 2006, in an interview published in Harakah recently (April 9 to 12) revealed that he had been making a research on the subject of phantom voters/alien voters for the past 15 years.

He also revealed that nationals from the Philippines, India, Pakistan and Indonesia who came to Malaysia were given the status of IMM13, which would later be converted to MyPR red identity card and finally blue MyKad with their names being simultaneously inserted into the voter roll.

This massive betrayal of the rakyat’s trust by the government is a clear indication that it is only looking after its own interests. This means that the government is now a rogue regime clearly hellbent on sabotaging the rakyat.

Slick and cunning

However, the government is slick and cunning. It disguises its diabolical motives by giving instant cash hand-outs to dupe the poor and many are taken in because, let us face it – Malaysians are the most gullible people on earth.

Our thinking ability is easily clouded by the government’s simple gimmicks. That we can still continue to vote in a government which blatantly robs us really begets belief but then truth is stranger than fiction.

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s game plan to win over the hearts and minds of Malaysians is very simple: going on walkabouts; giving cash hand-outs; making empty promises; appearing on radio chat-shows and television talk-shows; and promoting himself via empty sloganeering of which 1Malaysia takes precedence.

With his excellent acting skills, he has duped a large percentage of the Malaysian population who are blind to his faults, especially his flip-flopping ways and constant gift-giving to BN’s elite cronies.

Many Malaysians still fail to see that they get only RM500 while an Umno chief’s family gets RM250 million and this is indeed a massive malpractice. Malaysians continue to praise BN for throwing crumbs to us and treating us like stray cats.


