Man arrested in bribery bid, believed linked to NFC

(The Malaysian Insider) – Police have arrested a man who allegedly tried to bribe senior officers investigating a high-profile commercial crime, believed to be linked to the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal.

The police obtained a remand order from the magistrates court today for the 45-year-old man.

It is understood that the suspect heads a consultancy firm and runs a taxi company.

However, CCID chief Datuk Syed Ismail Syed Azizan refused to confirm or deny if the suspect in question was involved in the controversial cattle raising scheme.

“I am not denying, I am not confirming. I’m saying I have no comments,” he told reporters at the CCID office here today.

He also refused to comment on whether the man was related to NFC chairman Datuk Seri Mohamed Salleh Ismail, husband to Women, Family and Community Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil (picture).

“I think even if I don’t give you his name, you already know what it is. You already know his name so you can see if his ‘bin’ has anything to do with them,” he said.

Syed Ismail said police detained the man upon receiving information that he had allegedly attempted to bribe three or four senior police officers involved in the commercial crimes probe.

The suspect was previously wanted for questioning in relation to a cheating case reported three weeks ago in Cheras as well as another case in Bercham, Ipoh last year.

He was handed over to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) today for further action.

Syed Ismail also said the police have so far recorded statements from about 27 individuals, including officers from the finance and agriculture ministries, in relation to the NFC.

He added that the investigation into the case was still ongoing and that police would haul up more people for questioning in the near future.

The MACC announced today it was investigating allegations surrounding the NFC, despite previously saying it would not probe the matter.

The national anti-graft body had earlier referred the case to the police, who are now conducting an investigation into possible criminal breach of trust.

But in a statement today, the MACC revealed that a special team headed by MACC investigations director Datuk Haji Mustafar Ali has been formed to probe claim NFC funds were misappropriated.


