Malaysia’s striving porn & sex industry received Govt’s blessing & protection
Although a Muslim country officially, many of the cabinet ministers and ruling BN MPs have sex affairs outside their marriages. Malaysia is a sex-offender Heaven, no doubt about it.
By ManaBolehMalaysia
With the world’s economy heading for a tailspin after the 2008 financial disaster and in an apparent bid to keep dwindling GDP growth above 6% to achieve Mahathir’s Vision 2020 objectives, word has it that the Malaysian government secretly gave its blessings and protection to the flourishing underground SEX & PORN industry. This came to light with the recent report that UMNO (the dominant ruling party) and PM Najib will protect the “Datuk T” trio who exposed the sex video involving a man resembling the opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim, under the Witness Protection Act and Whistle blower Act. The industry always protect its own.
It is evidently clear from the Sodomy-II trial, Chua Soi Lek’s (former Health Minister and current President of MCA) sex video to which he admitted he was the “actor”, Altantuya-PM French Sorpene Corruption-murder scandal and Sodomy-I, Malaysia’s sex industry (porn, prostitution, massage, human trafficking etc) has the full blessing of the sex-tainted PM, cabinet and his crony corrupted police force.
The current PM has had a string of sex scandals hanging over his head while his Information Minister accused of raping his maid is still holding on to his job. Although a Muslim country officially, many of the cabinet ministers and ruling BN MPs have sex affairs outside their marriages. Malaysia is a sex-offender Heaven, no doubt about it. Money buys everything from child prostitutes to murdering your own wife if she gets in the way of your sexual escapades. Malaysia is the land where the righteous has no rights and the criminals run free and wild.
In Malaysia it is against the law to produce, distribute, possess or promote any kind of sex video; what more to screen the sexually explicit video to invited editors and leading journalists from the mainstream media. The “Datuk T” trio openly admitted to blackmailing the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and his wife, Wan Azizah (President of PKR) to step down from politics or face full exposure. In any democratic country it is unlawful to force anyone from challenging the incumbent with such blatant criminal acts. Yet all three (one a child rapist and another a known “pimp”), had not been stripped of their honorific titles, detained or charged. What other proof do you need?
It would have been a simple task to track down the producer of the illegal video, illegal production venue, the porno stars and camera crew as several permits would have to be issued in the land where an assembly of more than 3 is deemed illegal without a police permit. So far no one has been charged yet.
Instead the Bukit Aman secretariat chief Deputy Commissioner Datuk Ghazali Mohd Amin said the opposition leader (Anwar Ibrahim) was not being investigated as there was no sign of criminal misconduct. In a land where even close proximity is an offense under the Syariah Laws, (resulting in frequent raids, arrests and some false arrests involving foreign tourists), should Anwar not be investigated to prove that he was indeed the actor in the illegal video?
If he is, he should be prosecuted under the Syariah laws as he is a Muslim. If he is not, should his reputation not be lawfully protected by the state from being tarnished?
Instead the PM and his whole cabinet seemed bent on promoting the video and more concerned with the authenticity of the video than investigating the real culprits. Why let a major sex scandal go to waste? This is a golden opportunity to promote 1Malaysia – a 1 stop centre for all kinds of sex (normal, perverse, anal, international you name it, you have it) and you have the choice of recording the sex session for your private pleasure.
Malaysia guarantees NO Prosecution even if you are a high level minister. Better still you get to keep your job and the ruling party ensures you get reelected everytime. Ever wonder why we call for a GENERAL ERECTION every four years with a guaranteed 2/3 majority sexual satisfaction for the last 50 years except the last time.
If this was an isolated breach of morality and legality, a moderate Muslim country like Malaysia could be excused for not wanting to prosecute the Datuk T trio; to keep away unwelcome sex publicity. But then the whole country from the Administration to the Judiciary, to the whole Police force seems quite obsessed with this sexual gross injustice complete with all the media fun-fare.
For the last 3 years, the whole cabinet was fully engrossed with Sodomy II which is still in the midst of a sham miss-trial. In SODOMY II a 65 year old Anwar with a notable spinal cord injury inflicted by the then IGP during his detention in SODOMY I was accused of sodomising (raping) a 24-year old intern (Saiful) who is physically larger and stronger than the alleged rapist.
In SODOMY I Anwar was charged with having engaged in anal sex with his driver (a Malaysian), his advisor (a Pakistani with a PhD) and his adopted brother (an Indonesian). Strangely, his driver who should have been jailed for several counts of perjury for the numerous discrepancies on the witness stand, was not.
Similarly Saiful who suffered no injuries or trauma in the alleged rape, was not charged. He was rumored to have received a large sum of money as did the Driver who mysteriously became a millionaire and a company director after the Sodomy-I trial. Did Saiful meet with the PM months before the alleged rape (for a scholarship despite being a dropout) and just 2 days after the alleged rape purportedly for advice by a traumatized rape victim?
The PM recently admitted to meeting Saiful (the rape victim?) on these two occasions before the purported rape incident after initially denying it. Now why would a deputy PM and later a full-fledged PM be spending so much time with a college dropout on such private matters? Since when does a high level PM-in-waiting meet a low level arsehole like Saiful in private for scholarship matters and for “rape victim trauma consultation”? Anyone believing this would be an arsehole himself.
And to prove public perception right, nothing came out of the scholarship meeting. It is on public record Saiful went for 2 medical examinations on his arsehole 2 days after the second meeting. Could Najib be giving the young Saiful advice based on his own sexual escapades which included the infamous French Scorpene-Mongolian Beauty Altantuya corruption-murder scandal? Definitely not. Were the meeting part of Sodomy-II scandal plot? Definitely yes. The timing cannot lie.
With all the government-sponsored publicity, high level ministerial obsession with sex and porn, and even screening of the sex video at the Parliament lobby, one could be excused for suspecting the government is promoting Malaysia as the centre of excellence for the SEX and Porn Industry. Not only in the production of SEX video itself but also in the procurement of international actors and actresses, in the study of legal and diplomatic loopholes, as political tools, as economic growth engines and as opposition control tool.
No other democratically-elected government in the world could be so badly tainted with sex scandals and still survive unscathed. Has any health minister in the world been caught on camera having illicit sex with a prostitute, resigned and returned as the President of a major political partner in the government all within 2 years?
Has any PM-in-waiting implicated in a multibillion corruption scandal, ordered government’s specially trained UTK commandos to nab his pregnant Mongolian ex-lover to be shot and exploded to pieces using military supplied C4, ordered the kangaroo court to release his think-tank advisor who abetted the murder and still went on to become PM?
Yes, nowhere else except Malaysia. It is truly Malaysia Can (Malaysia Boleh).