The Price of Pride and Complacency
Actually, I did not want to write about the 3rd anniversary of the 2008 tsunami because there is nothing to celebrate. In fact, I hang my head down in shame for all that has been happening. From a high point of euphoria, we have descended into the doldrums of doom with hope that seems to be diminishing by the day. In his latest post HERE, RPK said that “The next general election is not for Barisan Nasional to win but for Pakatan Rakyat to lose.” What led to this despondent state of affairs?
Are we really headed for doom? Where is the hero that will prevent us from being decimated by all the squabbling and controversies? What do we see at the moment?
Top on the list is the fast diminishing support from voters who are unlikely to continue to stand behind Pakatan Rakyat candidates who refuse to stand TOGETHER for Malaysians. However, is there really increasing support for BN? The record shows that both coalitions have won eight of 16 by-elections which means that when the next GE comes, anything could happen so it is not the end until the fat lady sings.
Time and time again many have asked PR to take the bull by the horns and deal with issues eg PKR internal problems, the PAS gambling ban etc. but have they done what is needed? Have they put the rakyat first in their deliberations and actions? They have to be serious in their leadership role not only because it is the right thing to do for us Malaysians but because to do otherwise would be absolutely foolish and politically self-destructive.
However, at a time when the PR leaders should come together and reason to see how to attack the common enemy, they are facing the backlash from voters because of the gambling ban. It is not so much the public outcry against gambling per se but rather the insensitivity to the needs of those of different religious beliefs and the impact on illegal gambling. In other words, PR is digging its own grave at an unprecedented speed what with:
* the departure of Zaid Ibrahim and the formation of KITA
* the internal squabbles of PKR
* Selangor water woes
* Sodomy II trial
* defections
* the absence of public statements from the coalition as contrasted by differing views from leaders of the coalition such as on the gambling ban
* the increasing distrust and fear/wariness of PAS
* failure to deliver
* how the needs of the rakyat have NOT been prioritized
* the gambling ban
* poor public relations strategies
* failure to handle internal problems and to deal with objections/public outcry
* and many other shameful issues which have been headline news