Is this Anwar & Azmin’s Promised “Autonomy” For Sarawak?
Sarawak Headhunter
SNAP should not consort with PR’s rivals if it intends to remain part of the pact, said Azmin. — file pic
Who SNAP consorts with is entirely up to SNAP and none of Azmin’s or any other Malayan’s business. SNAP will do what is best for Sarawak and Sarawakians, not for Malaya and Malayans.
What are PR’s policies, poll manipulation like seen in the recent PKR polls? What does PKR or PR know or care about Sarawak, other than as a stepping stone to Putrajaya? Why should a pure Sarawakian party like SNAP have to subscribe to PKR or PR’s Malayo-centric policies which are totally irrelevant to Sarawak?
The leader also warned the local party against rubbing shoulders with PR’s rivals in the state, claiming that the pact was growing “uncomfortable” with reports of such occurrences.
To a large measure, this kind of polarisation of Sarawak politics was fostered by the Malayans and taken full advantage of by Taib and his cronies in a completely non-Sarawakian way totally alien to Sarawakians.
All Sarawakians know this and do not wish to see a repeat, whether by BN or PKR/PR. Is this so difficult for Malayans to understand?
“They (SNAP) have to decide the future of the party. If they want to be a member of PR, then subscribe to our policies.
Of these seats, Sarawak Headhunter predicts the outcome to be 37:34, whether in favour of PR or BN, with up to 8 seats which can go either way. DAP may win up to 12 seats, PAS 1 or 2, PKR 11 and SNAP 12, (total 36 or 37) giving a very bare majority for PR to govern.
Hopefully more amicably than the PKR polls.