Whistleblower film incriminates Sarawak Chief Minister
By Bruno Manser Fund, Basel/Switzerland
Sarawak Report releases video on the late Taib US aide Ross Boyert’s ties with the corrupt Malaysian top politician.
SEATTLE (US). Less than 24 hours ahead of a planned street protest in front of the FBI‘s Northwestern Regional Headquarters in Seattle, which is owned by the Malaysian Taib family, new incriminating evidence against Abdul Taib Mahmud („Taib“), the billionaire Chief Minister of the Malaysian state of Sarawak, has surfaced in the internet. A video posted by Sarawak Report (www.sarawakreport.org) today shows Taib whistleblower Ross Boyert speaking out against the Malaysian top politician. Boyert, who administered the Taib family’s US properties during 12 years, was found dead last September in a Los Angeles hotel room with a plastic bag tied around his head.
The video contains interviews with Boyert and his wife only weeks before Boyert’s mysterious death. In the video, Boyert confirms that all the US properties held by Sakti International, Wallysons Inc and two other US corporations are indeed owned by the Sarawak Chief Minister himself: „He was the boss. (…) Taib is the owner of this company and of all of its assets.“ Boyert also incriminates Taib’s son-in-law, the Canadian national Sean Murray who chairs the Taib-linked Sakto corporation in Ottawa, to act upon instruction of the Sarawak Chief Minister: „Taib was the one who instructed Sean Murray to take over Sakti International.“ Today, both Sakti International and Wallysons are being run from Sean Murray’s office at 333 Preston Street in Ottawa, Canada.
In the film, Boyert accuses the Sarawak Chief Minister of having mounted a systematic psychoterror campaign to discredit and ruin him: „We are talking about an extensive, expensive operation. (…) It’s designed to break you down. It’s designed to make you so discredited that noone will believe you. (…) You sue me and we’ll show what will happen to you and your family.“ According to Boyert, he and his family had been harassed ever since he took his former employer to court for unlawful dismissal and breach of contract.
The Bruno Manser Fund and its campaign partners in the US, the UK and Malaysia are asking the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to probe the circumstances that led to the death of former Taib US aide Ross Boyert, to review the FBI‘s rental contracts with the Taib-controlled firm Wallysons Inc and to freeze all Taib assets in the United States.
Abdul Taib Mahmud has been in power since 1981 and is the chief culprit for the large-scale destructive logging of Sarawak’s tropical rainforests and for the marginalization of its indigenous communities. – Ends –
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Bruno Manser Fund, Socinstrasse 37, 4051 Basel / Switzerland, Tel. +41 61 261 94 74