Muhyiddin, you have lost the plot
Using your own logic, what are those people who voted for your party in the last elections going to feel because they are caught in a constituency in which the opposition candidate got more votes and because of that they are being left out?
Americk Sidhu
“Development funds are being channeled to Barisan Nasional MPs constituencies only. There is no intention to channel any funds to those constituencies represented by opposition MPs.”
This is what our very own Deputy Prime Minister has categorically stated. I have read and reread the report appearing in The Star on Friday December 10th. There is no mistake. He repeated himself a few times. This man ‘shot down a request that the Federal Government extend development funds to opposition MPs’.
I must confess I am flabbergasted by this infantile attitude which reflects the immaturity of the ‘leaders’ of this nation. These people are not fit to hold office. They obviously do not understand basic concepts.
We are not in primary school Mr. Muhyiddin. We are not supposed to be punished because the headmaster doesn’t like our faces. You are supposed to be running a country. You are a servant of the people who pay you to administer THEIR country. You have no right to discriminate against those you do not like. That is not your job.
Let me explain this to you simply lest you become confused by technicalities.
You see, a government is formed by the party with the most number of seats in Federal Parliament. That’s your party. There are other seats occupied by Malaysians representing other Malaysians who did not vote for your party but nevertheless are entitled to the same benefits of those Malaysians who did.
This is what a ‘democracy’ is all about. This means you get elected by a majority of the people to run the country for everyone. You are an employee of the people and I mean ALL the people and not just the ones who voted for you.
Do you follow so far?
Part of your job is to be entrusted with the country’s coffers. Everyone contributes to these coffers, not just the people who voted for you.
If you represented only those people who contributed to these coffers, you would never have been elected because most people would probably choose to use their money more wisely. Therefore you are running a government whose funds come from both your supporters and the supporters of the opposition. This is because everyone, unfortunately, has to pay taxes irrespective of whether they are members of Barisan Nasional or not.
Are you still following me?
Good. Then you will now begin to appreciate that the money you have been entrusted with belongs not to you or your mates but to everyone in the country. It is not your personal money. It is the rakyat’s money. It belongs to every Malaysian, even those who chose not to vote for your gang.
Are things becoming clearer now?
Therefore when you spend OUR money, you cannot be selective. If you feel you are able to allocate some funds for the betterment of the average citizen’s welfare, you must consider all citizens. You cannot select a few citizens to benefit from your misguided generosity based not on need but on your own whims and fancies. That is not the way things are supposed to work.
Otherwise it would be called ‘discrimination’, (or even bribery).
Yes, I know they are long words but let me try and explain by drawing you a simple analogy.
Just suppose you had, instead, said you were going to give out government ‘ang pows’ to only those Malaysians who agree to attend your eldest son’s wedding. What do you imagine the reaction to that decision would be?
Don’t you think all those people who declined the invitation to attend the wedding would feel a little disgruntled?
Do you get my drift?
Can you now see that what you have said is really inappropriate?
Using your own logic, what are those people who voted for your party in the last elections going to feel because they are caught in a constituency in which the opposition candidate got more votes and because of that they are being left out?
Do you think by ‘punishing’ those who voted for the opposition (and in so doing punishing your own supporters), will necessarily mean more votes for you next time around? Is that your logic?
Well, try this. Give everyone the benefit of development funds and perhaps everyone will vote for you next time. Or are you just simply unable to think outside the box?