Zul tries goading Anwar into showdown with Zaid

(Bernama) — Independent Member of Parliament for Kulim-Bandar Baharu Zulkifli Nordin today challenged Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to contest for a top party post against Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

Zulkifli said Anwar should take up the challenge if he really believed in the principles of democracy which he often harped about, and to leave it to the party members of decide.

“He (Anwar) talked about democracy, but he is not contesting (for a post) and he wants to be a leader. The time I had known him… I found him to be egoistic and could not be criticised.

“I challenge Anwar to contest against Zaid, one against one, if he’s a real man… we see who’ll win. But the list of party members must be cleaned up first to avoid any form of irregularities,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby here.

Zulkifli said the opposition leader did not practise democracy as he led the party without having to go through any party election.

On Zaid’s proposal to set up a new Keadilan party, Zulkifli said he need not do that as PKR would manipulate the matter besides accusing him of being an Umno tool.

On Monday, Zaid withdrew from contesting the PKR deputy presidency, citing cheating and abuse of power in the party elections as the reasons.
