YTL Arrogant and Narrow Minded?

By Datuk Tham Nyip Shen

DATUK Yong Teck Lee, certainly has no comparison to Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon. While Koh, a good friend of mine may have some short coming, is by far a much cleaner politician as compare to Yong. I agree with Koh that Yong is simply too arrogant. He thinks he is the best in the world; even better than Lee Kuan Yew, as he once told me.

(I thought he was joking then, but now I think he must be serious) It does not matter even if I only know now. However, I was foolish not to know that he was already suspicious of me since 30 years ago. (1980, I was only in my second year at University of Manchaster).

What I told Yong in Mid-2008 was that I would be going into business, hence making it odd for me to go against the Government. In any case, I also told him, withdrawing from BN at that moment was a wrong timing.

He should have allowed his elected YBs to complete their term then decide what to do the next election. I hold that same view in 1994 and I only left PBS after Pairin dissolved the State Assembly. In any case, I never had the intention to leave BN.I am not that opportunistic.

I am perplex with Yong’s principles. He accused me of bribing him when I brought the petrolchemical plant to him as a potential business to him/SAPP. He did not say the same when Datuk Musa gave the Damai Road upgrade project?.

He made a lot of money from the project, but now turn back to bite Musa and me. He has not reported this to SAPP either. Why the double standard? And only to talk about a mere proposed project, and keep deafening quiet about one that he has already pocketed the money?

Tan Sri Bernard Dompok has been a good friend, many a time when I told him my grievances with Pairin and Yong, he always advised me to be calm. Good thing will come one day. Tan Sri Dompok is the real true fighter for Sabahan. He did so in many ways. I am sad when Yong has to implicate him in this dialogue.

As to others that have been mentioned, I shall leave it here for the time been. I have no wish of washing Yong’s dirty lining in the public. I have kept quiet all these while, I do not mind keeping it longer, but Yong better not provoke me.

As to politics and national issues, I may not stop. For these topics will affect public interest. Yong has chosen a different path to be anti-BN, that’s fine. Let me keep my choice.


Yong always wants to be number one (whether others agree or not is not the issue). This explains why he leaves BN and not joining Pakatan Rakyat. He wants to be CM, or PM if ever possible. His biggest fear is not about me challenging him.

I never had that intention, despite his persist suspicion. However, he must now finish me off, not only can I help is intended enemies, but also laugh at him, when he has to make a painful decision to join the West Malaysia-based Pakatan Rakyat when all his options are out.

Whatever pain he has inflicted on me. I wish him well. He is a smart fellow, just arrogant and a bit narrow minded. I am sure he will learn, one day!
