Waytha Moorthy of HINDRAF vs. Sultan Ibrahim of Johor: who makes sense?

Suara Keramat Pak Sako

The Malaysian government is considering asking the police to investigate a statement by the chairman of the HINDRAF movement, P. Waytha Moorthy, which was made in response to a speech by the Sultan of Johor.

It is claimed that the HINDRAF chairman’s statement was sensitive and that it questioned the position of the Malays and the Malay Rulers. The Home Minister, who will consult about this matter with the Sultan of Johor (but who should also consult Waytha Moorthy for fairness), claims that Waytha Moorthy’s statement was intended “to create hatred towards the rulers and to dupe the people’s thinking”.

Let’s decide on the propriety and validity of Waytha Moorthy’s statement ourselves. Let’s consider ourselves whether it would “create hatred” as claimed. We shall also consider who is “duping” who, who makes the most sense, and who is speaking for true harmony and integration and who isn’t.

To help us do this, I reproduce below both Waytha Moorthy’s and the Sultan of Johor’s statements.


