PAS will rule if Pakatan wins, BN warns Chinese

(TMI) Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders flashed danger signals to Chinese voters today, repeating its old line that any support for Pakatan Rakyat would lead to the Islamist party PAS occupying the “captain’s seat”.

MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek cautioned that although today PAS preached moderation, the party would likely not abandon its “autocratic Islamic stand” if PR comes to power.

“We feel if Pakatan comes to power, PAS would be in the captain’s seat. PAS will not forget its autocratic Islamic stand and don’t be surprised if PAS comes to power, it will turn back the clock,” he warned in his presidential address at MCA’s 57th annual general meeting here today.

He claimed that since the 2008 general election, DAP, seen to be PR’s equivalent to MCA, had only succeeded in delivering Chinese support for PAS.

“In the battle cry for change by the PR in the 2008 elections, we noticed that the only change DAP has brought about was to strengthen PAS and deliver Chinese support to them.

“We (BN) do not claim to be a perfect government but [we] hope that Malaysians will deliberate carefully if they think that PR will be a better choice,” he said.

The Islamic state argument has been frequently used by BN as its ticket to convince voters that the PR alliance, specifically between PAS and DAP, was merely a marriage of convenience.

Amid claims that their alliance was a concrete one based on common policies and platforms, both PAS and DAP have publicly shown vastly different views on the topic of implementing an Islamic state,

In recent months, PAS leaders have indicated that they would remain steadfast on their promise to implement Hudud laws, even claiming that DAP was now warming up to the idea.

DAP however has vehemently objected to this, with its chairman Karpal Singh resounding his resolve to keep Malaysia as a secular state, saying, “Islamic state over my dead body.”

At MCA’s AGM today, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak joined Dr Chua in warning Chinese voters that PAS was unlikely to change its stand.

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