‘Taib’s decision to stay is good for opposition’

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud, fresh from announcing that he will not step down, is definite to become the main issue for the opposition in the coming state election, especially in the urban areas.

“Taib’s decision to stay put will become the main issue,” declared Francis Siah, leader of the Movement For Change, Sarawak (MoCS) which has expressed its ‘gratitude’ to Taib for wanting to remain in power and lead the Sarawak BN into the coming state election.

“Taib’s decision is expected. As usual, he has all sorts of reasons and excuses for not stepping down. But MoCS welcomes his decision. Now our battle cry for ‘regime change’ in Sarawak will reverberate louder throughout the state come the state election.

“With Taib’s decision, he will become the main issue for us to urge Sarawakians to wake up and help dismantle 30 years of the same, old, corrupt regime which seems to border on senility now,” Siah said today.

“In fact, many BN people in Sarawak are actually worried that Taib has insisted on leading the state BN into the elections. Many had informed me privately that they prefer a new face in PBB (either Abang Johari or Adenan Satem) to spearhead the BN challenge in the coming polls.

“They are aware that Taib will be the main issue for the opposition and they are concerned,” he said.

The chief minister said in Kuching last Saturday that he has decided to stay as his services were still needed by the people.

“My family members have agreed that I should not disappoint the people. I will continue to help Sarawak,” Taib declared at the Kuching Airport on his return from overseas.

