Khairy wants Umno, BN to move away from Perkasa

(TMI) KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 27 — Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has raised concerns that Barisan Nasional (BN) would lose non-Malay support if it does not immediately disassociate itself from Malay rights group Perkasa.
Khairy said there was a perception now to affiliate Umno with Perkasa, and this was “hurting” BN’s bid to gain non-Malay votes which severely dwindled in the last general election.
“Perkasa is hurting us, our chances in gaining non-Malay votes. For Umno, BN to win, we cannot afford to be associated with these people. They are alienating us from a large segment of voters,” he said.
Khairy, who is also BN Youth chief, told The Malaysian Insider Umno’s method of attracting Malay support was “acceptable” to other races because it was not done in a confrontational manner.
“The way in which Umno carries out its struggle is acceptable to non-Malays because it is not confrontational like Perkasa,” he said.
The Rembau MP dismissed Perkasa Wira chief Arman Azha Abu Haniffah’s claims that more Umno Youth members were joining the rights group because they were disillusioned with Khairy’s leadership of Umno Youth which they said no longer championed Malay interests.
“That is ridiculous. We don’t need them (Perkasa). Umno Youth is aware and in full support of Umno’s direction, where we must get support from not only Malays, but Chinese and Indians as well,” said Khairy.
Arman said yesterday that many Umno Youth members were unhappy that Malay interests were no longer prioritised.
“The sentiment on the ground is that Umno Youth is missing the presence of a Youth chief who prioritises Umno, Malay interests above everything else.
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