Zul’s nose grows even longer (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

The word on the ground is that Zul is too Islamic even for PAS. The truth is Zul had been bullshitting once too often and each time had been caught spinning a yarn that PAS did not want to touch him with a ten-foot pole.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Zulkifli Noordin tries to come across as a mujahideen. When he raided the Malaysian Bar Council he declared that he is a Muslim first and all others second. He would defend Islam, declared Zul, to the last drop of his blood.

That is most noble of this mujahideen who dares do things that many PAS members themselves would not dare do. Zul is above even PAS. Why, therefore, did PAS not take him as their candidate in the last general election?

The answer is very simple, really. PAS cringes each time Zul speaks at a ceramah. He is always exaggerating and lying, said one PAS leader to a group of opposition supporters in the UK recently.

This PAS leader then offered many examples of what Zul had spoken at various ceramah. But when the party did a check none of what Zul said was true. Zul claimed to have flown overseas and claimed to have met this person or that person. But when a check was made it was discovered that Zul had not even left the country. And when checks were made with people Zul was supposed to have met, these people not only had not met him but also did not even know who he is.

That was why PAS did not want Zul as their candidate in spite of his so-called commitment to Islam and supposedly Islamic credentials. The word on the ground is that Zul is too Islamic even for PAS. The truth is Zul had been bullshitting once too often and each time had been caught spinning a yarn that PAS did not want to touch him with a ten-foot pole.

Zul’s penchant for stretching the truth with the aim of wooing the crowd was well known as far back as 1998-1999. Zul would go round the country to speak at ceramah where he would tell all and sundry about Anwar Ibrahim lying on his deathbed and at the point of death. Umno had poisoned Anwar and he is now dying, said Zul to the sobbing crowd. The only thing that can now be done is to pray for Anwar’s soul.

Then, the next day, we see Anwar smiling and waving at the crowd as he arrives at court for his trial. But then the kampong folks who followed Zul’s ceramah the night before were not there in court to see all this. They were still at home wiping their tears after the trauma of Zul’s ceramah of the previous night.

Now Zul speaks again and this time about his prediction for the opposition. The part I like most is this:

He laughed when told that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had termed him a principled man for having been brave enough to speak out against his former party, and said: “Well, as I have said repeatedly — the truth will always be the truth and you cannot go wrong when you have the truth on your side.”

Yeah, right……


Zulkifli: PKR woes may sway Hulu Selangor neutrals

By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider

Independent MP Zulkifli Noordin believes PKR’s recent problems could influence fence-sitters in the Hulu Selangor by-election, in a continuation of his attacks against his former party.

Zulkifli said the voters who were mature and able to evaluate all the factors could end up voting for Barisan Nasional.

“I think that what has happened has been a sort of eye-opener for everyone. The people should see what has happened and weigh it out carefully when they choose their leaders,” the Kulim Bandar Baharu MP told The Malaysian Insider today.

He laughed when told that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had termed him a principled man for having been brave enough to speak out against his former party, and said: “Well, as I have said repeatedly — the truth will always be the truth and you cannot go wrong when you have the truth on your side.”

Zulkifli added that his story — along with Datuk Seri Zahrain Hashim’s — which threw doubt on the credibility of the PKR leadership, especially its de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, would certainly affect the fence-sitters of Hulu Selangor.

In their respective speeches to Parliament recently, both Zulkifli and Zahrain revealed stunning revelations on Anwar — one on the opposition leader’s supposed Sept 16 takeover plan and another on his allegation that Najib was linked to the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Sharibuu.

Zulkifli had claimed that, as one of the lawyers in the murder case, he withdrew himself as he claimed to have been asked to “link” Najib and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor to the case.

In his day-long programme at Hulu Selangor yesterday, Najib went to great lengths to commend Zulkifli for his bravado in exposing the truth and appeared to use the spate of PKR problems to woo voters for the BN.

Short of campaigning for the BN, Zulkifli advised the Hulu Selangor voters to take stock of the recent happenings in the country’s political landscape before casting their votes come April 25.

“They must be matured enough, weigh the facts before voting, and do not vote based on their emotions.

“Look at the facts and then look at the direction that the Pakatan Rakyat and the BN is heading,” he said.

Zulkifli also said that the results of the coming Hulu Selangor by-election would be reflective of what would happen in the 13th general election.

“Look at the racial composition of the constituency; it is similar to that of the entire Parliament’s composition.

“It will be a referendum of sorts to determine what will happen in the next general election. Do not forget, it is these middle class voters who made the difference in Election 2008,” he said.

There are 64,500 registered voters in Hulu Selangor, with 63,701 regular voters and 799 postal voters.

Of the total, the Malays make up the majority with 34,020 voters or 52.7 per cent. The next largest group is the Chinese with 16,964 voters (26.3 per cent), flowed by the Indians at 12,453 voters or 19.3 per cent.

The seat fell vacant after the death of its PKR MP Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad, who polled a 198-vote majority against MIC’s Datuk G. Palanivel in Election 2008.


Translated into Chinese at: http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_5553.html

