‘It’s time to ‘tukar baju’ and kick out BN’

By Joseph Bingkasan, Free Malaysia Today
Newly-minted opposition politician Kalakau Untol is bent on helping the Kadazan Dusun and Murut (KDM) communities of Sabah to ‘tukar baju’ (change shirt) in the next general election.

Kalakau, the United Sabah Dusun Association (Usda) president, said he was confident the indigenous community, comprising more than 30 ethnic groups, other natives and the Chinese communities could topple the BN government.
“They have booted out four Sabah state governments before,” he said. “Tukar Baju was our battle cry. We ousted the Alliance-led Usno, Parti Berjaya, Barisan Nasional and Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) state governments,” he told FMT in an exclusive interview recently.
Kalakau, a former state deputy labour minister, ditched BN last month to join PKR and declared that he would be working hand-in-glove with Dr Jeffrey Kitingan and other KDM leaders.
He also said he would ensure that the community which formed the majority of the state’s population would vote for Pakatan Rakyat in the next general election.
He said he expected several KDM leaders now holding important posts in the BN government, both at state and federal levels, to leave the coalition for Pakatan Rakyat.
Kalakau said he quit BN as he could no longer tolerate a life of being ‘a great pretender.’
“What the BN was offering and had given out thus far was just window-dressing, but the people are politically matured now and know what is going on around them,” he said.
