Of jumping frogs, 2/3 majority and rising of prices

Opposition, the war is on. Your soldiers neglect your commands and have began to surrender over to the other side. To make thing worse, they took their ammunition along and are now using it against you. Your food supply is low, your resources limited, and the very people that you tried to protect are forced to work for the other side. What further plans can you come up with to free them?

By avancc

Dear Malaysia Today,

I’m writing this to show my disappointment with the PR coalition, and the sinking hope that I am feeling right now. Besides thanking YM RPK for enlightening us on many issues, I am upset that PR care not doing anything better to tackle and resolve those issues. And I am hoping someone from PR would enlighten me on the things we the rakyat can do. Now, these “things” have to be “concrete” things.

Please allow me to give a very shallow view on the recent news that prices of things have been increasing. I’m sure many have heard about the plan of increasing petrol prices in May this year. Corresponding to the recent crossover of many MPs from the opposition, as well as rumors that our PM hired image consultants to rebuild his reputation, all I can say is this:


We pay tax. We pay a high price for our petrol. We pay a high price for locally made cars that probably aren’t worth half their price, not to mention the hundreds of percent tax on foreign cars. We pay a high price for Techs. And part of that money is of course used to pay MPs’ salaries, as well as allowances for Royal families. But, it is highly possible now that we are also paying for the evil acts being imposed on us.

Our money could be used for “buying” votes; buying “maruah” and trust of our elected MPs. As well as possibilities of it being used in plots to tarnish and destroy opposing forces. One good example is the Sodomy 2 case. How many people were “bought” for that case? How much money is being wasted to make a clown story for the world to laugh at? And the saddest point is, we are paying for the clown show to be made upon ourselves!

Now we are told about “gerrymandering”. It means they will continue to win and be in power no matter how we oppose them. That would also mean that we will have to continue paying for clown shows. Paying so that we ourselves can be tortured further. Paying so that we continue to be suppressed. And the price we are paying is increasing day by day. We pay to destroy ourselves.

That very thought makes me shiver. It really seems like there is no other choice for us. We have MPs with a maruah that can be easily bought; we have rakyat that support the call to have themselves suppressed, tortured and humiliated; we have rakyat that are afraid to follow the lead of freedom and justice activists; etc etc. It seems that we are cornered from every side. It’s tiring and upsetting to feel this way, in the very own country that one was born, that one loves, that which promised you a better future, only to strip that dream further away from you.

Looking at the current crossovers by many MPs, as well as the character and attitude of some reps who still think that they should get special privileges with their position, where they could get contracts by being who they are. It brings tears to my eyes. Because our trust in them to make a better future for us is betrayed.

At first, I thought that with the cleaning up of the party, we could reduce or eliminate that issue. Now with the “gerrymandering” tool, it would seem that all our efforts might be futile. Whatever we do will never give the result we desire. The more we oppose their evil acts, instead of turning over a new leaf, the leaf rots. They become more evil, more cunning. And eventually we continue to suffocate under their unchangeable habits.

Every now and then, the thought of migration would spring up. At one point, I even said to myself – “Even if I have to settle for a job of lesser pay, or do odd jobs out there, it would still be better than dying away here”. It is up to that state that we are upset with the government and the political developments here.

What other things can we do? The federal ruling party continues to grow in evilness, the opposition continues to dwell in their comfort zone, and the rakyat continues to be upset. We need more concrete actions from the opposition, more trustworthy reps, and better plans, if we are to continue the drive for justice and freedom. Else, it will still be old tunes in new packaging and eventually everything would fall back to square one and all our efforts go down the drain.

Opposition, the war is on. Your soldiers neglect your commands and have began to surrender over to the other side. To make thing worse, they took their ammunition along and are now using it against you. Your food supply is low, your resources limited, and the very people that you tried to protect are forced to work for the other side. What further plans can you come up with to free them?

The Chinese once used the moon cake baked with instructions hidden within to rebel against the suppressing government and they succeeded despite having a much lesser army. What plans do we have? We the simple rakyat need guidance.
