Mahathir the Maverick at it again

On my way to London yesterday, I finished 3/4 of the book on the Maverick, my conclusion long before reading this book was; all of us , Malaysians (my ancestors came from China to Malaysia more than 150 yrs ago) have been divided (or screwed) by all these greedy and heartless politicians, whether they are from UMNO, MCA, Gerakan or MIC, and they are all the same. The wealth in the country should be shared by all of us, but UMNO started NEP, AP, MARA, etc etc to split us in the name of wealth distribution. But after 40 years since May 13 1969, what have we achieved?

By A

The govt still think that all the targets set under NEP have not been achieved? How could these be possible if 30pc of PLC shares must be allocated to bumiputras, Non-bumis not allowed to get APs, open new petrol stations, scholarships, all govt contracts must have Bumis equity, certain sectors of the businesses were not opened to non- bumis until the recent years but still tightly controlled, and Bumi controlled companies so as GLCs don’t have to hire non-bumis. So how could the nation be united, progress or the lastest favour of the day, 1Malaysia be successful if meritrocracy is not relevant in practice? And each day we become more suspicious of each other’s co-existance.

When I decided to move my family abroad and take up the CEO job managing a small MNC with revenue of USD2b and 20k employees in 4 countries, my UMNO and MCA friends said to me; how could you abandon your country and work in Spore? I told them to find me a GLC position and I don’t mind a loss making one for me to turnaround. A couple of them told me, they would look into it. More than 5 yrs had since passed, I received no reply, except every time when I met them, they would say, when are you coming back?

Pete and Jalil know me very well. For the rest to know, I am now managing China’s second largest fridge and freezer maker with more 3m units sales a year, China’s largest diesel engine producer with close to 500K diesel engines sold this year, plus the largest building materials supplier in Spore. Under me, one co is listed in NY, one in KLSE and three in Spore. Am I not qualified to manage a GLC?

Don’t get me wrong that I need a job, but to move abroad after 46 years, was quite a painful experience!

I would love to return to my home land, share my experiences and contribute my knowledge to the development of the country. But with all these greedy politicians (P) fighting for positions (P), leading them to power (P) and finally the big P – PROFIT; why should they place the rakyat’s interests above theirs? Look at the mess in MCA, and the 6 Indian parties fighting to exist, and investment for a seat in the UMNO supreme council. It is all about the big P, not the Malaysians.

How many of the current ministers are qualified or fit to manage a ministry? Managing a ministry is very similar to managing a business which involves in managing various resources, especially the huge financial resources allocated to the ministry for the benefits ( security and safety, environment, less toll, education) of the people who paid taxes ( in business is ROSF or dividend paid to the investors), for the poor to improve their livings, for national development on infrastructure to create future values hence sustainbility. But hardly any of them has any clue on what Human Resources or Financial Management are all about. They are too occupied with cutting ribbons, party meetings, overseas trips, identify contracts for pockets (the big P).

All these started with the Maverick’s 22 years in power.

Read more at: Mahathir the Maverick at it again
