Right Time for Human Rights Party (HRP) and Hindraf

By Wai Ling

What does the minority community need now? This community needs a strong political influence and a pressure group to defend and protect the minority’s rights. I salute Uthaya for coming out with a strong political influence (HRP) for the minority and hats off to Waytha to pressure groups wherever superficial politics take place.

Firstly, let me express my warm wishes to Uthaya who has founded the Human Rights Party (multiracial party for Malaysians) and to Waytha for being firm with his apolitical pressure group called Hindraf.

Human Rights Party (HRP) is a political party, which was assigned to represent and defend the rights of the multiracial minority community in Malaysia. Meanwhile, Hindraf is an NGO, which was assigned to act as a pressure group to protect the minority’s rights.

HRP`s main purpose is to bring all the sidelined, marginalized groups under one umbrella and create a strong political influence for these unfortunate minority people. Hindraf, on the other hand, will act as a pressure group to control the political bias and discrimination that befall the minority groups. Therefore, Hindraf will always remain apolitical and pressure whichever political party (which includes HRP) that tries to sideline the minority groups.

The minority community, especially the Indians, are divided by many different political beliefs. The same happens to some of the Sarawakians and Sabahans where too many political beliefs split their unity. Due to this ignorance, the majority of the people in this community are sidelined from all major national mainstreams. This has caused major problems in the community, mainly that which have led the majority of these people to live in poverty, which leads to high crime rates, high suicidal rates and high drop-outs in schools.

The current ruling government has been applying superficial politics to ensure the minority remains split and killing them silently. (It is a form of genocide as a whole community is being wiped out when the government seizes their rights in getting birth certificates, in education, in sharing the national wealth etc.) After 52 years in Malaysia, we can see the power of superficial politics. The poor becomes poorer and the rich double their richness. Slave labourers, a huge drop in the population census, the bad conditions of schools etc becomes the norm for the minority. We see the rich becoming richer, especially when we see many politicians building many costly palaces using money which should go to the minority people.

What does the minority community need now? This community needs a strong political influence and a pressure group to defend and protect the minority’s rights. I salute Uthaya for coming out with a strong political influence (HRP) for the minority and hats off to Waytha to pressure groups wherever superficial politics take place.

Therefore, Malaysians should welcome both HRP as a political influence for the minority groups and Hindraf as a pressure group because we feel Malaysians need them badly now. At present, Malaysia has a bad political scenario, which allows the system to sideline and discriminate the minority groups. This system also kills humanity values. We Malaysians welcome both groups as their pure intentions are meant to help the marginalized community defend their rights and at the same time pin-pointing the mistakes done by the ruling government. I personally feel this is a gift from GOD to have brave people like you to help this unfortunate community in our country.

I am a Chinese and yet I look at this matter in a positive way. I put myself in the affected community’s shoes and see the actual problem. I can see the truth of their struggle. What about you?
