Raging storm in the Land of the Hornbill over Hadi and PAS

(Malaysian Mirror) KUCHING – People of the Land of the Hornbill continue to make a storm over recent remarks by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang that are seen as disparaging to the Dayaks and all Sarawakians.

A villager of Rumah Lagan Empit, Batang Ai, Zainie Ajie, said Hadi had crossed the line.

“Hadi should apologise to the people of Lubok Antu and the Dayaks as a whole for making us look uncivilised. Next time when he talks, he should watch what he says. Don’t make any further sensitive comments,” he told the Borneo Post..

Zainie felt that the Dayak people should also take Hadi’s comments as a challenge.

'We are not like before – uneducated and downtrodden'

“Dayaks in the rural areas must work to make sure that strangers like Hadi can see that we are not like before – uneducated and downtrodden,” he said.

In another development, the Batang Ai Youth wing of Parti Rakyat Sarawak said they are going to burn PAS flags on Sunday.

Its deputy chief Edwin Raoh said they are very angry that over the ‘cawat’ remarks made by Hadi, which “insult the dignity of the Iban people.”

“We are very upset and we are very offended. We are planning to burn PAS flags,” he was quoted as saying in the Borneo Post Saturday.

Read more at: Raging storm in the Land of the Hornbill over Hadi and PAS
