Of Teoh, Ronnie, MIC and the ISA: This country has gone bonkers!

By Gavin Khoo (Suara Keadilan)

I am amused and amazed that a new blog, operated by an anonymous, was given a prominent coverage by our newspapers – both online print. and

The blog alleges that it was DAP which killed Teoh.**

As a concerned Malaysian, I would like to urge the anonymous blogger to do the right thing if he/she has the evidence. Why hide in anonymity?

If the blogger is sincere, he/she should help us to seek justice for Teoh and his loved ones. If it is true that DAP was the culprit, we should know what to do with the party.

If this anonymous blogger fails to identify himself/herself in the next 24 hours, then I can safely say that this nation has gone bonkers!

News agencies which have given a prominence to this story should review their own reporting standards.

Next, I am equally amused with MIC and its hypocrisy.

The party has asked the Penang state government to allow it to purchase the Kampung Buah Pala land (for RM3.2 million) so that it can be returned to the villagers. How noble! But MIC Prai assemblyman Dr K. Rajapathy was a state executive member in 2005 when the land was sold off to a cooperative. Why didn’t MIC protest the transaction?

The company, Nusmetro, has threatened to sue the state government for RM150 million if the state invokes the relevant legal provisions to recover the land from the company. Is MIC willing to take a sole responsibility for the possible compensation too if the state is found liable?

I would like to remind both Samy Vellu and the current chief minister that the people of Penang should not be forced to pay for the folly of politicians.

Sometimes I wonder what else Koh Tsu Koon would have sold off to please his masters? PGCC would have been the next biggest scandal after the PKFZ.

Is MIC brave enough to call for his resignation from the federal cabinet? Is Koh fit to become a KPI minister if he is not even willing to own up to his own folly?

The next biggest joke is the picture above – Yes to ISA, Hidup Melayu! Hidup Islam.

The statement says it all. Will the real Malay-Muslim please stand up? Zaid Ibrahim, Azmi Sharom, Dr Azly and many more had taken a stand. What about the rest?

This is why this nation has gone bonkers!

We have two clear choices; (1) stay and fight to change this nation or  (2) use our feet.

I am staying because Dr M was wrong about my status. I am too poor to migrate. I wonder if Dr M and UMNO know what it feels like to confront a cornered tiger.

We should let them know how it feels to take the people for granted. The use of coercive forces will not dent our spirit.

To change or not, is OUR CHOICE. I urge you to make that CHOICE. And make it NOW!

[Gavin Khoo Kay Peng is a well-known political commentator. He is also a corporate consultant and runs a popular blog Straight Talk]

**Editor’s Note: The  so-called Truth for Teoh Beng Hock blog looks like another desperate Umno-BN hoax. Sg Pelek is the constituency of BN-MCA’s Yap Ee Wah and not under Pakatan-DAP’s Ronnie Liu. Ronnie is the assemblyman for Pandamaran.
