Death at MACC: My CSI Part V

By Dr. Rafick

I will try to counter some arguments that have been forward for the sake of discussion. I did a quick random survey among the patrons of “Coff and Tea” on the possible causes of TBH death. No one believes it was suicide.

My writing today went online bit later than expected because last night I had to attend the soft launch of a friend restaurant in Solaris near Mont Kiara. The restaurant is called Coff&Tea and is located at Solaris Dutamas. The formal opening would be in the next few days. The food is good. Drop by when you can.

2. While I was at the restaurant, many comments on my blog appear on my Blackberry. Some had put forward interesting arguments. Most of the comments in the last article have put their argument professionally. That was good. I will try to counter some arguments that have been forward for the sake of discussion. I did a quick random survey among the patrons of “Coff and Tea” on the possible causes of TBH death. No one believes it was suicide.

3. Someone commented in my blog that the body is located about 20 feet from the building wall and hence it is impossible for someone to be exit the window. Based on this argument as well as the posture of the body lying on the ground, some believed that the body was placed there. I beg to differ.

4. Firstly, I do not know how the reader came out with the figure of 20 feet. Based on the pictures on the internet, the wall cannot be seen. What is shown is the flower based, parapet wall which is located next to the body. The body lies on concrete slab which in one section there is a 3 feet x 3 feet imprint.

5. In some of the pictures on the internet, there were several bricks brought in by the police located next to the body. We all know the construction brick has a standard size of 4inch x 8 inch. Based on the size of the brick, I made my calculation and it is estimated that the furthest distance that can be seen from the parapet would be 9 feet. I estimated the size of space next to the building wall is about 9-12 feet based on the photos shown below.

Measuring distances

Measuring distances

6. I do not think the body was place there because the presence of the broken window latch and the way the pants were torn. Let me explain this point again using the illustration below.

TBH alone enlarged 200x

TBH 1 from 8 floor

7. In my previous article, I theorized that either one or two person carried the late TBH whom had died for about 30 mins to the window. He carried the person with TBH on his right side and places it on the windows edge. As he pushed the body out the window, the latch got hooked to the pants at the centre of the trousers. TBH weight and the action of trying to push the body down literally tore the pants towards the left pocket.

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