Bizarre twist to Teoh case

By Neville Spykerman, The Malaysian Insider

The Teoh Beng Hock case took another bizarre twist today when a new anonymous blog accused the dead political aide of being embroiled in a web of corruption with other Selangor DAP leaders, forcing Selangor executive councillor Ronnie Liu to refute the allegations.

Liu scoffed at the allegations and dismissed it as part of a wider conspiracy hatched by the Barisan Nasional (BN) to bring about the downfall of the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government.

“The allegations are pure bull . We are not afraid of any investigations.” said Liu, adding that officers in the land office would be able to testify that everything was above board.

The “Truth for Teoh Beng Hock” blog, which was started yesterday, claims Teoh had received kickbacks amounting to RM112 for a project.

It also claims that Teoh was forced by his boss, Ean Yong Hian Wah, and Liu to be part of a scheme to siphon out state funds.

The blog goes on to name one individual, Wong Chuan How, as a contractor who had been the beneficiary of more than RM200,000 worth of contracts in the Sungai Pelek state constituency.

Wong appeared at a press conference here today with Liu, and was identified as a Sepang Municipal Councillor and Liu’s special assistant in Sungai Pelek, who is in charge of dispersing allocations obtained from the District Office.

The Barisan National (BN) Constituency is under the purview of Liu and the Blog claims DAP is stealing state funds behind the backs of their PR partners.

“The allegations are part of a campaign to discredit DAP,” said EanYong, adding that dirty politics was being played out.

According to the blog, Teoh did not like what was happening and had “spilled the beans” about the corruption to unknown parties.

It claims Teoh made copies of documents to protect himself and had left behind a hard disk detailing the extent of the corruption with an unidentified person.

The contents of the blog are consistent with theories about Teoh’s death that have been widely published in pro-BN blogs.

