Now, we must keep a hawk’s eye on the commission

(The Malaysian Mirror) The Cabinet decision to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to look for answers surrounding the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock is a sensitive response to the bipartisan demand for such a measure which has swollen to epic proportion in recent days.

It ends days of heated speculation amidst rising anger among political leaders, civil society groups, and the alternative media hungry for answers in relation to the strange circumstances surrounding Teoh’s tragic sudden death.

Teoh’s death had disrupted abruptly the momentum gained by the Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak following the euphoria on the occasion of his rising popularity after 100 days in office, and the apparent resurgence of Umno in the rural heartland of Manik Urai constituency.

The racial sentiment expressed by Umno-owned publications has also added fuel to the flame of discontent among Umno detractors in the Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

Meanwhile, the Cabinet decision to suspend all the MACC officers involved in the investigation into suspected graft activities of the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government. This will probably put an end to such investigations, and thus appeasing the PR coalition that has flung accusations that the MACC has become an Umno instrument to destabilise the PR state government.

Read more at: Now, we must keep a hawk’s eye on the commission
