Another victim of MACC’s ‘racism’?

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian Insider

Is the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) racist?

DAP member Dariff Din is buttressing that claim, saying today he was a victim of racial remarks by the body’s interrogators looking into alleged misappropriation of state allocations by DAP state lawmakers.

Dariff, who is assistant to Kampung Tunku assemblyman Lau Weng San, is the second person to make the claim after Kajang municipal councillor Tan Boon Wah who made the same allegation yesterday.

“They asked me if I was Chinese or Malay and I told them that I was Malaysian but they kept insisting on my race,” Dariff told reporters at the DAP Paramount service centre when relating details of his interrogation by on July 15 by MACC officials.

He said they were mainly interested in his ethnicity rather than the case itself, adding the officer was curious because he looked Chinese but had a Malay name. He told them his father was Malay and mother was Chinese.

“Everything went smoothly after they learned that I was a Malay Muslim,” Dariff said, adding he was questioned about his background for another hour before they asked him how Lau’s office spent the state allocations.

The investigator went through all the files they seized from Lau’s office, Dariff said, adding he was surprised the officer even asked if anybody had attended the programme even though there was photos to prove the event was not a hoax.

