DEATH OF TEOH BENG HOCK: Q&A with Federal MACC director of investigations Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdul

 He was to return with more documents

AT a Press conference held at the MACC's office in Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam yesterday, the place where Teoh Beng Hock was last seen before his tragic death, MACC director of investigations Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdul gave the first official statement about the episode.

What happened?

We were alerted to a body discovered at the 5th floor of Plaza Masalam at 1.30pm and our checks later showed that he was actually one of our witnesses in an ongoing investigations into State funds of a State assemblyman.

How was the body discovered?

Because someone was screaming downstairs. We don't know who it was.

Who was this witness?

The deceased was a special assistant to the Seri Kembangan State assemblyman.

How was he questioned?

We took his statements about 5pm on Wednesday and the session ended about 3.45am. He was allowed to go home, he was supposed to bring other documents to assist investigations later.

What happened between then and the fall?

He said that he was tired and wanted to rest at the settee. He was last seen by one of our officers at 6am, still sleeping.

From which floor? From where?

We don't know. The police are investigating. We are not sure if it was from the 14th floor or if he went downstairs. We are not sure.

Is this building monitored through CCTV?

As far as I know there are no CCTV cameras in our office.

How about witnesses?

We have no witnesses in MACC who saw him since 6am. We were only informed at 1.30pm.

When did it happen?

We don't know.

How was the deceased when he was giving his statements? Was he under pressure?

He was normal. He is just a witness. He was not the accused. According to Ean Yong, he had appealed to MACC for the deceased to be allowed to leave earlier and return today. This request was denied. We recorded his statements fully.

Did he complain about health problems?

No. He said he wanted to rest.

Did he cooperate during investigations?

He was cooperative. He was supposed to come back with additional documents later today after he slept.

How many officers were present when the deceased was questioned?


How about after?
Our officers were working non-stop last night. Some were sleeping in their respective rooms last night.

Why was he questioned until the wee hours of the morning?

It is normal for MACC to record statements for about eight to nine hours. This is because our questions are very thorough.

Why wasn't he allowed to rest?

When we record statements, if the witness wants a break, we will take a break. We will ask him if he needs a rest. The same goes for any witness. I was informed he did get food and water.

Why was there a probe on the financial allocations?

We receive general information that there were misappropriation of State rep's funds. We are not focusing on any specific State rep. We are not sure who is involved. We are visiting certain areas, checking documents, to see if the allegations are true. – The Malay Mail
