Who complained?

Gobind Singh Deo

The MACC should tell us who the complainants are in respect of the investigations against the Selangor Pakatan Assemblymen.

It is certainly strange that all of a sudden the MACC is investigating not one or two but 12 Pakatan Assemblymen in one go. Was there a general blanket report which was made which covers all Pakatan leaders only? How else would the MACC explain the position?


The MACC exists to combat corruption. It is a public body and it must be accountable to the public. There have been numerous reports made against certain BN leaders but we don’t see any enthusiasm on part of the MACC to bring these people to book.


The MACC must not and cannot abuse its power. It cannot launch blanket investigations against groups of people. As I understand it, as is the case in other criminal investigations, a report must be lodged before investigations may commence. But reports are almost always directed at certain factual patterns implicating certain individuals they cannot be general reports ‘just so that MACC officials may knock on anyone’s door to check’.


The DAP will through its National Legal Bureau write to the MACC for a copy of the report lodged. We will investigate the bona fides of this ‘investigation’. If there is any wrong revealed, we will not hesitate to sue to put things right.
