Why do Hishammuddin and the Police Force Commission back Musa Hassan’s extension for IGP?

Hishammuddin must present his case why he and the Police Force Commission backs Musa Hassan’s extension for IGP

Malaysian Insider reported yesterday that the Police Force Commission, which is constitutionally responsible for the appointment and emplacement of members of the police force, has backed a second extension of the service of Tan Sri Musa Hassan as the country’s Inspector-General of Police in September.

The commission comprise members who are top current and retired civil servants and the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.

Hishammuddin should present his case to the Malaysian public why he and the Police Force Commission backs Musa’s extension for IGP, when Musa has such a dismal record as the nation’s top police officer when judged by the Police Royal Commission Report which submitted 125 recommendations to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service with the three core functions to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and uphold human rights.

One hundred reasons could be advanced why Musa should not have his extended term of IGP renewed in September as he had failed in all the three core functions spelt out by the Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and uphold human rights.

Can Hishammuddin’s reasons to support Musa’s extension as IGP so strong and incontrovertible that they can withstand the most rigorous public scrutiny or are they so weak and flimsy that Hishammuddin dare not make them public?

Bernama today reported Musa as saying that the police will give priority to stamping out street crimes, in line with the government commitment to reduce crime and corruption. He said drastic measures would be taken to address the problem to ensure public safety and security.

Why did Musa only wake up from what should be the No. 1 responsibility of the police when he is lobbying for another term of IGP?

