Ulterior motive in Najib’s move?
(Malaysian Mirror) KOTA KINABALU – Sabah DAP has described Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s proposal to tackle the perennial problems in Sabah and Sarawak on the issue of birth certificates and citizenships as “an act out of the blue,” saying it may be nothing more than a prelude to “another round of population drive”.
Najib had made the announcement on the occasion of his first 100 days in office as PM.
State DAP chief and Kota Kinabalu MP Dr Hiew King Cheu said that Najib’s proposal only exposed the weaknesses and negligence on the government’s part in not handling the national registration with the utmost care and security.
This is reflected through the sudden increase in Sabah’s population during the late 80s to mid-90s, said the opposition parliamentarian, adding that the state’s population suddenly escalated by almost 70 per cent in a few years.
NRD not following procedures
“There is definitely no way the Sabah population could increase by that much, if not for the issuance of ‘dubious identity’ cards through the so-called ‘late registration’ or ‘blanket granting of citizenship’ to foreigners,” Hiew said.
He said that under the Sabah registration of births and deaths ordinance, any late registration of birth is needed to be certified by the court after an enquiry is made, but the National Registration Department (NRD) is not following this set procedure.
The eventual effect is that the natives of Sabah are sidelined in favour of the illegals, he said, adding that this does not augur well for Sabah.
“The government must ensure the authorities issuing the identity cards must comply and adhere strictly to the law on all the late registration of births,” said Hiew, who is also the party’s KK branch head.
On the other hand, he added, the assurance will come to nothing if no support is given to the court, especially to the Mobile Court set up in Sabah, since the court can and have the power to validate any late registration of birth certificates.
If not, such certificate issued by the NRD is not admissible as evidence and if used to issue identity cards, according to him.
Illegals becoming Sabahans
It will mean the government is using inadmissible documents to give out citizenships.
Read more at: Ulterior motive in Najib’s move?