Suddenly important

Muhyiddin is all out to break PAS' defence with his recent announcement of the abolition of the policy of teaching maths and science in English, as well as an economic slogan to improve local livelihood.

By TAY TIAN YAN/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew Daily

Manik Urai suddenly becomes the location of a very important by-election!

This tiny constituency used to be a fringe area, somewhere outside the centre of power, in BN's geopolitical map.

It doesn't have any strategic locality, nor any strategic value.

It lies within the crescent zone of Malay politics. 99% of its voters are Muslims, making it a natural fortress of PAS, which won five in the last six elections.

If seen last month, there were no reasons for PAS not to win again this time.

But over the past few weeks, several delicate changes taking place in Malay politics have continued to tilt the balance, making Manik Urai a probable catalyst for a major political twist.

Although the UMNO-PAS dialog and the establishment of unity government are yet to become reality, they have created some resonance within the traditional Malay society.

These issues have plucked the sentiment of ethnic oneness as well as brotherly feelings among the Muslims. Many PAS supporters who used to see UMNO as enemy have softened their stance!

The flip-flop stand of senior PAS leaders has tossed the grassroots into a state of confusion, and drastically eroded the party's moral conviction.

Once Hadi Awang makes UMNO a partner of cooperation, it will be difficult for PAS supporters to continue seeing UMNO as enemy.

The rest will have to leave to the spiritual power of Nik Aziz. Whether he can hold up the party is critical.

UMNO must grab this unique opportunity.

"Especially in view of what UMNO will gain in conjunction with Najib's first 100 days, this by-election suddenly appears to be of tremendous value."

Muhyiddin is all out to break PAS' defence with his recent announcement of the abolition of the policy of teaching maths and science in English, as well as an economic slogan to improve local livelihood.

UMNO used to count on a thinner margin of loss. But, now that a ray of hope emerges, it will go all out to turn the tide.

Especially in view of what UMNO will gain in conjunction with Najib's first 100 days, this by-election suddenly appears to be of tremendous value.

BN only won one out of the last six by-elections, and even that was an interior constituency without much significance.

If BN can claim victory this time in a Malay constituency, a PAS stronghold Manik Urai, the meaning is altogether different.

BN's morale will be remarkably boosted and Najib's popularity will skyrocket. UMNO will then be able to claim that the Malays are now back to UMNO again and BN is now back to the political mainstream of West Malaysia once again.

Manik Urai holds too powerful temptation for both UMNO and BN. As for whether the wish could be met, the voters will hold the key.
