By Zorro

Whilst waiting for the Fishmongers protest ceremah to begin, I shared a coffee table with two interesting seniors who spoke impeccable English. An unedited manuscript for an impending book was offered for my perusal……..

In 1964, then PMIP president Datuk Asri invited the people living in the northern border to come to settle down around Kota Bharu. He employed a Singapore company Timberline to clear the jungle and keep the timber as contra agreement. Tun Razak got wind of this and did not allow this to happen. Why he did that to the Kelantanese Malays is obvious. He was already on the Felda drive which is opening up forested land for agriculture. No way was he going to allow an opposition state to open up land for habitation. He offered instead Sg. Rompin for Timberline to clear. But the Kelantanese had started to move south and had to clear the land themselves. Thus evolved Manek Urai in general and Sg. Rek in particular, just to name one settlement off the beaten track.

After the race riots, PMIP (now PAS) joined UMNO during the mass coalition exercise. Manek Urai and similar districts were left to fend for themselves ……People First it seems. I am just wondering where the PM got this from, because he is doing exactly what his Papa did…..UMNO first, people last especially in Opposition states.

So PM Jibby, now that your 1 Malaysia is declared a joke by all and sundry except by your hired spinners, read Mainstream Media, it is time you rescue your muddled People First Public Relations mantra.

