From Lady Di to MJ, a story of love that transcends all

( Jakarta: 7th July 2009:- What make the death's of people like Lady Diana Spencer of Great Britain and Micheal Jackson the 'King of Pop' a global event? Most probably their untimely death came too soon for those who connected with them.

And the people who felt that connection also felt love. It is a long love affair between the iconic figures and the public that make the persons of Lady Di and MJ seemingly immortal.

Both Lady Di and Micheal Jackson transcends the colors of the world, the faith of their fans and the political boundaries of their countries and the countries of their fans. This is another important element in understanding the global passion for superstars.

Is it idolation or a form of stronger adulation for their stars and superstars that bonds the fans, the supporters to the icons? Perhaps it is the access to television, live coverages and the omnipresence of the stars on the small screen at home and in the office or in cafe's that help nurture the bond of love between them. In the time of Lady Diana, the world was on the brink of becoming more than a global village. The internet was just conquering the world with many countries hooking up to the 'Dial-up' services and websites like Yahoo and mail boxes like Hotmail were the social scientific discovery of the time. Then came the shocking and untimely death of Lady Diana.

In 1997, the internet was not as world wide as it is today but it was influential enough to have been one of the first medium to break the news of Diana's death to the world. However, at that time, the television was still in great competition with the internet in breaking news. Today, with the death of MJ, the television has been relegated to second fiddle as it was the internet medium that broke the news to the world that the world's most popular and most influential superstar had died.

