Remember this: ‘All crows are black under heaven’
(Malaysian Mirror) KUALA LUMPUR – Linguists have generally agreed that political chaos is also connected with the decay of language and that has proven to be correct.
Particularly lately, judging from the many public statements uttered by our Malaysian political leaders in reaction to the Pakatan Rakyat’s latest series of crises in Kedah and Penang. This showed the decay in rhetorical criticisms by BN leaders.
There was certainly no lack of the spoken or written words particularly from MCA politicians. Some of them were found absurdly happy like puppies wandering around their dream home.
They were thrilled by the piffling fact that their arch-rival Pakatan coalition would be heading towards becoming a political shipwreck. “The dream of a two-party system is evaporating into thin air,” a pro-BN leader happily proclaimed.
Indeed, like an empty mind being opened to all suggestions, some BN loyalists may sound like hollow mountains returning all sounds.
Never mind that they may be repeating the old sound-bite for the past decades, saying: “It is a drama, a wayang kulit or a shadow play,” referring to the recent unfolding drama of the PAS-DAP tiff in Kedah.
An enthusiastic MCA leader even sent out SMSes from his party headquarters demanding an apology from DAP for misleading the public over the years on its relationship with PAS which he claimed is untenable due to the “ideological and value-system differences between the two parties”.
Read more at: Remember this: ‘All crows are black under heaven’