PKR urges Najib to come clean on North Korea illegal weapons

By Salehuddin Hashim, Suara Keadilan

Parti Keadilan Rakyat is gravely concerned with the latest developments in the East Sea – North Korea has launched 7 guided missiles off the country’s east coast.

This action is clearly a violation of Resolution 1874 of the United Nations Security Council, which is attempting to reduce the tension in the region.

The international community has expressed regret and strongly condemns the launch of those guided missiles.

Resolution 1874, which was passed on 12 June 2009, prohibits the export of any weapons by North Korea.

This step was taken to stop North Korea from using the proceeds of sales of weapons to develop nuclear weapons. Therefore, the enforcement of this resolution, with the co-operation of the international community, is very important to establish lasting peace, not only in the East Asian region but throughout Asia.

Hence, it is very shocking when several news reports from South Korea are linking Malaysian banks with payment transactions for the sale of weapons from North Korea to Myanmar.

It is even more disturbing to note that a special mission for the enforcement of Resolution 1874, headed by Phillip Goldberg, is scheduled to arrive in Malaysia, to ensure our nation’s compliance with the said resolution.

If the allegations reported in the relevant newspapers (Korea Herald and Korea Times) are true, then it must be said that the Home Ministry’s negligence and our nation’s financial regulations is very disappointing.

PKR emphasizes that issues of security and national sovereignty must not be taken lightly. The government must be transparent and responsible, especially when dealing with such issues.

According to the media statement released by the White House Press Secretary dated 26 June 2009, amongst other important matters, President Obama and Datuk Seri Najib discussed the enforcement of Resolution 1874.

This clearly contradicts the Prime Minister’s statement to the media and the people of Malaysia regarding his conversation with the American President. Datuk Seri Najib should not distort the facts or hide them from the people.

We are highly concerned if it is proven that Malaysian banks are involved in the arms sales transactions by North Korea, our country will be subject to serious measures by the Security Council of the United Nations, as it so nearly happened when the Malaysian company, Scomi Precision Engineering, was said to be involved in the production of components for nuclear weapons.

[Salehuddin Hashim is the secretary-general of Parti Keadilan Rakyat]
