Manik Urai By-Election: ‘Show world we practise democracy’

(NST) KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak wants the Manik Urai by-election to be contested democratically and according to the law.

"It is important for us to show to the world that we can practise parliamentary demo-cracy in the right manner and respect the country's laws in the process."

He said this after a ground-breaking ceremony for the new headquarters of the Naza Group of Companies here yesterday.

Najib, the Barisan Nasional chairman, expressed the hope that the by-election and the campaigning would be held peacefully.

"We should not cause any disturbances or create a fight because such incidents are easily played up at the international level."

He said the electorate of Manik Urai should be allowed the freedom to exercise their democratic rights.

"The voters of Manik Urai should be given the maximum freedom as to who they want to choose."

Najib also reiterated his position in not having a debate with Pas spiritual adviser Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat.

"I have said that there is no point in having the debate and everybody agreed to it."

Najib said that if there was at all a need for a meeting between them, it should be free of criticism.

"If we want to meet, we should not criticise first. It does not create a conducive atmosphere."
