MCA slams PAS chief
(The Star) – PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has come under fire for objecting to the Government’s latest move to ease investment requirements in Malaysia.
“Abdul Hadi has got it wrong by rejecting economic liberalisation,” said MCA secretary-general Datuk Wong Foon Meng.
“PAS has to come to terms that the measures to overhaul the economy run in tandem with the global trend of free trade, which in turn spearheads a level-playing field.”
“The MCA fails to comprehend why PAS is antagonistic towards creating equal opportunities for all,” he said in a statement yesterday.
On Wednesday, Abdul Hadi objected to the scrapping of the 30% bumiputra equity ownership requirement for listed companies, saying the move was detrimental to bumiputras.
Wong warned that PAS’ continued calls to maintain bumiputra affirmative action policies would drive away domestic and foreign investors.
It had become obvious that PAS’ slogan of a “PAS for All” was never meant to look after the needs and grievances of non-bumiputras, he said.
“How can PAS preach about fairness for all races, but at the same time say that the bumiputra position must be strengthened? It is contradictory.”
Gerakan Wanita secretary-general Jayanthi Devi Balaguru urged DAP and PKR leaders to make their views known about Abdul Hadi’s stand.
PAS, she said, had been ignoring the voice of the people
since the general election last year.
After 51 years of independence, she said the people should have a non-racial outlook.