Singapore’s Mr Sandman

Hantu Laut

For a small dot on the world map it has become a tough nut to crack, a pain in the arse and invariably suffering from serious overdose of the kiasu syndrome.

As they say success breeds arrogance and Singapore is not short of it, the sense of feeling being above everyone else and the lore of the animal kingdom, survival of the fittest.

It's small, vulnerable and surrounded by neighbours made not so friendly by its own schemes and devices. Its survival depended on one thing and one thing only, money and plenty of it. Without money it would have been dead meat long time ago and Lee Kuan Yew knew and had the foresight the day Singapore was kicked out of Malaysia that the road ahead is bumpy and full of potholes and pitfalls and the only way for Singapore to survive, it must have a lot of money, richer and better than its neighbours. It must ruthlessly guard its survival even at the expense of offending its neighbours.It has also built the best air-force in the region, just in case.

